Source code for jsonargparse._actions

"""Collection of useful actions to define arguments."""

import re
import sys
import warnings
from argparse import SUPPRESS, _HelpAction, _SubParsersAction
from argparse import Action as ArgparseAction
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

from ._common import is_subclass, parser_context
from ._loaders_dumpers import get_loader_exceptions, load_value
from ._namespace import Namespace, split_key, split_key_root
from ._optionals import FilesCompleterMethod, get_config_read_mode
from ._type_checking import ArgumentParser
from ._util import (

__all__ = [

class Action(LoggerProperty, ArgparseAction):
    """Base for jsonargparse Action classes."""

def _is_branch_key(parser, key: str) -> bool:
    root_key = split_key_root(key)[0]
    for action in filter_default_actions(parser._actions):
        if isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands) and root_key in action._name_parser_map:
            subparser = action._name_parser_map[root_key]
            return _is_branch_key(subparser, split_key_root(key)[1])
        elif action.dest.startswith(key + "."):
            return True
    return False

def _find_action_and_subcommand(
    parser: "ArgumentParser",
    dest: str,
    exclude: Optional[Union[Type[ArgparseAction], Tuple[Type[ArgparseAction], ...]]] = None,
) -> Tuple[Optional[ArgparseAction], Optional[str]]:
    """Finds an action in a parser given its destination key.

        parser: A parser where to search.
        dest: The destination key to search with.

        The action if found, otherwise None.
    actions = filter_default_actions(parser._actions)
    if exclude is not None:
        actions = [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, exclude)]
    fallback_action = None
    for action in actions:
        if action.dest == dest:
            if isinstance(action, _ActionConfigLoad):
                fallback_action = action
                return action, None
        elif isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands):
            if dest in action._name_parser_map:
                return action, None
            elif split_key_root(dest)[0] in action._name_parser_map:
                subcommand, subdest = split_key_root(dest)
                subparser = action._name_parser_map[subcommand]
                subaction, subsubcommand = _find_action_and_subcommand(subparser, subdest, exclude=exclude)
                if subsubcommand is not None:
                    subcommand += "." + subsubcommand
                return subaction, subcommand
    return fallback_action, None

def _find_action(
    parser: "ArgumentParser",
    dest: str,
    exclude: Optional[Union[Type[ArgparseAction], Tuple[Type[ArgparseAction], ...]]] = None,
) -> Optional[ArgparseAction]:
    return _find_action_and_subcommand(parser, dest, exclude=exclude)[0]

def _find_parent_action_and_subcommand(
    parser: "ArgumentParser",
    key: str,
    exclude: Optional[Union[Type[ArgparseAction], Tuple[Type[ArgparseAction], ...]]] = None,
) -> Tuple[Optional[ArgparseAction], Optional[str]]:
    action, subcommand = _find_action_and_subcommand(parser, key, exclude=exclude)
    if action is None and "." in key:
        parts = split_key(key)
        for n in reversed(range(len(parts) - 1)):
            action, subcommand = _find_action_and_subcommand(parser, ".".join(parts[: n + 1]), exclude=exclude)
            if action is not None:
    return action, subcommand

def _find_parent_action(
    parser: "ArgumentParser",
    key: str,
    exclude: Optional[Union[Type[ArgparseAction], Tuple[Type[ArgparseAction], ...]]] = None,
) -> Optional[ArgparseAction]:
    return _find_parent_action_and_subcommand(parser, key, exclude=exclude)[0]

def _is_action_value_list(action: ArgparseAction) -> bool:
    """Checks whether an action produces a list value.

        action: An argparse action to check.

        bool: True if produces list otherwise False.
    if action.nargs in {"*", "+"} or (isinstance(action.nargs, int) and action.nargs != 0):
        return True
    return False

def remove_actions(parser, types):
    def remove(actions):
        rm_actions = [a for a in actions if isinstance(a, types)]
        for action in rm_actions:

    for action_group in parser._action_groups:

def filter_default_actions(actions):
    default = (_HelpAction, _ActionHelpClassPath, _ActionPrintConfig)
    if isinstance(actions, list):
        return [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, default)]
    return {k: a for k, a in actions.items() if not isinstance(a, default)}

[docs]class ActionConfigFile(Action, FilesCompleterMethod): """Action to indicate that an argument is a configuration file or a configuration string."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializer for ActionConfigFile instance.""" if "default" in kwargs: self.set_default_error() opt_name = kwargs["option_strings"] opt_name = opt_name[0] if len(opt_name) == 1 else [x for x in opt_name if x[0:2] == "--"][0] if "." in opt_name: raise ValueError("ActionConfigFile must be a top level option.") if "help" not in kwargs: kwargs["help"] = "Path to a configuration file." super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, parser, cfg, values, option_string=None): """Parses the given configuration and adds all the corresponding keys to the namespace. Raises: TypeError: If there are problems parsing the configuration. """ self.apply_config(parser, cfg, self.dest, values)
@staticmethod def set_default_error(): raise ValueError("ActionConfigFile does not accept a default, use default_config_files.") @staticmethod def apply_config(parser, cfg, dest, value) -> None: from ._link_arguments import skip_apply_links with _ActionSubCommands.not_single_subcommand(), previous_config_context(cfg), skip_apply_links(): kwargs = {"env": False, "defaults": False, "_skip_check": True, "_fail_no_subcommand": False} try: cfg_path: Optional[Path] = Path(value, mode=get_config_read_mode()) except TypeError as ex_path: try: if isinstance(load_value(value), str): raise ex_path cfg_path = None cfg_file = parser.parse_string(value, **kwargs) except (TypeError,) + get_loader_exceptions() as ex_str: raise TypeError(f'Parser key "{dest}": {ex_str}') from ex_str else: cfg_file = parser.parse_path(value, **kwargs) cfg_merged = parser.merge_config(cfg_file, cfg) cfg.__dict__.update(cfg_merged.__dict__) if cfg.get(dest) is None: cfg[dest] = [] cfg[dest].append(cfg_path)
previous_config: ContextVar = ContextVar("previous_config", default=None) @contextmanager def previous_config_context(cfg): token = previous_config.set(cfg) try: yield finally: previous_config.reset(token) print_config_skip: ContextVar = ContextVar("print_config_skip", default=False) class _ActionPrintConfig(Action): def __init__( self, option_strings, dest=SUPPRESS, default=SUPPRESS, ): super().__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=1, metavar="\b[=flags]", help=( "Print the configuration after applying all other arguments and exit. The optional " "flags customizes the output and are one or more keywords separated by comma. The " "supported flags are: comments, skip_default, skip_null." ), ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): kwargs = {"subparser": parser, "key": None, "skip_none": False, "skip_check": False} valid_flags = {"": None, "comments": "yaml_comments", "skip_default": "skip_default", "skip_null": "skip_none"} if value is not None: flags = value[0].split(",") invalid_flags = [f for f in flags if f not in valid_flags] if len(invalid_flags) > 0: raise argument_error(f'Invalid option "{invalid_flags[0]}" for {option_string}') for flag in [f for f in flags if f != ""]: kwargs[valid_flags[flag]] = True while hasattr(parser, "parent_parser"): kwargs["key"] = parser.subcommand if kwargs["key"] is None else parser.subcommand + "." + kwargs["key"] parser = parser.parent_parser parser.print_config = kwargs @staticmethod @contextmanager def skip_print_config(): t = print_config_skip.set(True) try: yield finally: print_config_skip.reset(t) @staticmethod def print_config_if_requested(parser, cfg): if hasattr(parser, "print_config") and not print_config_skip.get(): key = parser.print_config.pop("key") subparser = parser.print_config.pop("subparser") if key is not None: cfg = cfg[key] with parser_context(lenient_check=True): sys.stdout.write(subparser.dump(cfg, **parser.print_config)) delattr(parser, "print_config") parser.exit() class _ActionConfigLoad(Action): def __init__(self, basetype: Optional[Type] = None, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) == 0: self._basetype = basetype else: self.basetype = kwargs.pop("_basetype", None) kwargs["metavar"] = "CONFIG" kwargs["help"] = default_config_option_help kwargs["default"] = SUPPRESS super().__init__(**kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: kwargs["_basetype"] = self._basetype return _ActionConfigLoad(**kwargs) parser, namespace, value = args[:3] loaded_value = self._load_config(value, parser) if isinstance(namespace.get(self.dest), Namespace): loaded_value = parser.merge_config( Namespace({self.dest: loaded_value}), Namespace({self.dest: namespace[self.dest]}) )[self.dest] namespace[self.dest] = loaded_value return None def _load_config(self, value, parser): try: cfg, cfg_path = parse_value_or_config(value) if not isinstance(cfg, dict): raise TypeError(f'Parser key "{self.dest}": Unable to load config "{value}"') with change_to_path_dir(cfg_path): cfg = parser._apply_actions(cfg, parent_key=self.dest) return cfg except (TypeError,) + get_loader_exceptions() as ex: str_ex = indent_text(f"- {ex}") raise TypeError(f'Parser key "{self.dest}":\nUnable to load config {value!r}\n{str_ex}') from ex def check_type(self, value, parser): return self._load_config(value, parser) def instantiate_classes(self, value): return self.basetype(**value) class _ActionHelpClassPath(Action): sub_add_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} def __init__(self, baseclass=None, **kwargs): if baseclass is not None: if get_typehint_origin(baseclass) == Union: baseclasses = [c for c in baseclass.__args__ if c is not NoneType] if len(baseclasses) == 1: baseclass = baseclasses[0] self._baseclass = baseclass else: self._baseclass = kwargs.pop("_baseclass") self.update_init_kwargs(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_init_kwargs(self, kwargs): if get_typehint_origin(self._baseclass) == Union: from ._typehints import ActionTypeHint self._basename = iter_to_set_str( c.__name__ for c in self._baseclass.__args__ if ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(c) ) else: self._basename = self._baseclass.__name__ kwargs.update( { "metavar": "CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME", "default": SUPPRESS, "help": f"Show the help for the given subclass of {self._basename} and exit.", } ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: kwargs["_baseclass"] = self._baseclass return type(self)(**kwargs) dest = re.sub("\\.help$", "", self.dest) return self.print_help(args, self._baseclass, dest) def print_help(self, call_args, baseclass, dest): from ._typehints import resolve_class_path_by_name parser, _, value, option_string = call_args try: val_class = import_object(resolve_class_path_by_name(baseclass, value)) except Exception as ex: raise TypeError(f"{option_string}: {ex}") from ex if get_typehint_origin(self._baseclass) == Union: baseclasses = self._baseclass.__args__ else: baseclasses = [baseclass] if not any(is_subclass(val_class, b) for b in baseclasses): raise TypeError(f'{option_string}: Class "{value}" is not a subclass of {self._basename}') dest += ".init_args" subparser = type(parser)() subparser.add_class_arguments(val_class, dest, **self.sub_add_kwargs) remove_actions(subparser, (_HelpAction, _ActionPrintConfig, _ActionConfigLoad)) args = self.get_args_after_opt(parser.args) if args: subparser.parse_args(args) raise argument_error(f"Expected a nested --*.help option, got: {args}.") else: subparser.print_help() parser.exit() def get_args_after_opt(self, args): opt_str = self.option_strings[0] for num, arg in enumerate(args): parts = arg.split("=", 1) if parts[0] == opt_str: if len(parts) == 1: num += 1 break return args[num + 1 :]
[docs]class ActionYesNo(Action): """Paired options --[yes_prefix]opt, --[no_prefix]opt to set True or False respectively."""
[docs] def __init__(self, yes_prefix: str = "", no_prefix: str = "no_", **kwargs): """Initializer for ActionYesNo instance. Args: yes_prefix: Prefix for yes option. no_prefix: Prefix for no option. Raises: ValueError: If a parameter is invalid. """ if len(kwargs) == 0: self._yes_prefix = yes_prefix self._no_prefix = no_prefix else: self._yes_prefix = kwargs.pop("_yes_prefix") if "_yes_prefix" in kwargs else "" self._no_prefix = kwargs.pop("_no_prefix") if "_no_prefix" in kwargs else "no_" if len(kwargs["option_strings"]) == 0: raise ValueError(f'{type(self).__name__} not intended for positional arguments ({kwargs["dest"]}).') opt_name = kwargs["option_strings"][0] if not opt_name.startswith("--" + self._yes_prefix): raise ValueError(f'Expected option string to start with "--{self._yes_prefix}".') if self._no_prefix is not None: kwargs["option_strings"] += [re.sub("^--" + self._yes_prefix, "--" + self._no_prefix, opt_name)] if self._no_prefix is None and "nargs" in kwargs and kwargs["nargs"] != 1: raise ValueError("ActionYesNo with no_prefix=None only supports nargs=1.") if "nargs" in kwargs and kwargs["nargs"] in {"?", 1}: kwargs["metavar"] = "{true,yes,false,no}" if kwargs["nargs"] == 1: kwargs["nargs"] = None else: kwargs["nargs"] = 0 kwargs["metavar"] = None if "default" not in kwargs: kwargs["default"] = False kwargs["type"] = ActionYesNo._boolean_type super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Sets the corresponding key to True or False depending on the option string used.""" if len(args) == 0: kwargs["_yes_prefix"] = self._yes_prefix kwargs["_no_prefix"] = self._no_prefix return ActionYesNo(**kwargs) value = args[2] if isinstance(args[2], bool) else True if self._no_prefix is not None and args[3].startswith("--" + self._no_prefix): setattr(args[1], self.dest, not value) else: setattr(args[1], self.dest, value) return None
def _add_dest_prefix(self, prefix): self.dest = prefix + "." + self.dest self.option_strings[0] = re.sub( "^--" + self._yes_prefix, "--" + self._yes_prefix + prefix + ".", self.option_strings[0] ) if self._no_prefix is not None: self.option_strings[-1] = re.sub( "^--" + self._no_prefix, "--" + self._no_prefix + prefix + ".", self.option_strings[-1] ) def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None): return ActionYesNo._boolean_type(value) @staticmethod def _boolean_type(x): if isinstance(x, str) and x.lower() in {"true", "yes", "false", "no"}: x = True if x.lower() in {"true", "yes"} else False elif not isinstance(x, bool): raise TypeError(f"Value not boolean: {x}.") return x
[docs] def completer(self, **kwargs): """Used by argcomplete to support tab completion of arguments.""" return ["true", "false", "yes", "no"]
[docs]class ActionParser: """Action to parse option with a given parser optionally loading from file if string value."""
[docs] def __init__( self, parser: Optional["ArgumentParser"] = None, ): """Initializer for ActionParser instance. Args: parser (Optional[ArgumentParser]): A parser to parse the option with. Raises: ValueError: If the parser parameter is invalid. """ self._parser = parser if not isinstance(self._parser, import_object("jsonargparse.ArgumentParser")): raise ValueError("Expected parser keyword argument to be an ArgumentParser.")
@staticmethod def _move_parser_actions(parser, args, kwargs): subparser = kwargs.pop("action")._parser title = kwargs.pop("title", kwargs.pop("help", None)) description = kwargs.pop("description", subparser.description) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise ValueError(f"ActionParser does not accept the following parameters: {set(kwargs.keys())}") if not (len(args) == 1 and args[0][:2] == "--"): raise ValueError(f"ActionParser only accepts a single optional key but got {args}") prefix = args[0][2:] def add_prefix(key): return re.sub("^--", "--" + prefix + ".", key) required_args = {prefix + "." + x for x in subparser.required_args} option_string_actions = {} for key, action in filter_default_actions(subparser._option_string_actions).items(): option_string_actions[add_prefix(key)] = action isect = set(option_string_actions.keys()).intersection(set(parser._option_string_actions.keys())) if len(isect) > 0: raise ValueError(f"ActionParser conflicting keys: {isect}") actions = [] dest = prefix.replace("-", "_") for action in filter_default_actions(subparser._actions): if isinstance(action, ActionYesNo): action._add_dest_prefix(prefix) else: action.dest = dest + "." + action.dest action.option_strings = [add_prefix(key) for key in action.option_strings] actions.append(action) base_action_group = subparser._action_groups[1] base_action_group.title = title if description is not None: base_action_group.description = description base_action_group.parser = parser base_action_group._actions = filter_default_actions(base_action_group._actions) base_action_group._group_actions = filter_default_actions(base_action_group._group_actions) extra_action_groups = subparser._action_groups[2:] parser.add_argument(args[0], action=_ActionConfigLoad) parser.required_args.update(required_args) parser._option_string_actions.update(option_string_actions) parser._actions.extend(actions) parser._action_groups.extend([base_action_group] + extra_action_groups) subparser._option_string_actions = {} subparser._actions = [] subparser._action_groups = [] return base_action_group
single_subcommand: ContextVar = ContextVar("single_subcommand", default=True) parent_parsers: ContextVar = ContextVar("parent_parsers", default=[]) parse_kwargs: ContextVar = ContextVar("parse_kwargs", default={}) @contextmanager def parent_parsers_context(key, parser): prev = parent_parsers.get() curr = prev + [(key, parser)] t = parent_parsers.set(curr) try: yield finally: parent_parsers.reset(t) class _ActionSubCommands(_SubParsersAction): """Extension of argparse._SubParsersAction to modify subcommands functionality.""" parent_parser: "ArgumentParser" env_prefix: str def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs): """Raises a NotImplementedError.""" raise NotImplementedError("In jsonargparse subcommands are added using the add_subcommand method.") def add_subcommand(self, name, parser, **kwargs): """Adds a parser as a sub-command parser. In contrast to `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers <>`_ add_parser requires to be given a parser as argument. """ if parser._subparsers is not None: raise ValueError("Multiple levels of subcommands must be added in level order.") parser.prog = f"{self._prog_prefix} [options] {name}" parser.env_prefix = f"{self.env_prefix}{name}_" parser.default_env = self.parent_parser.default_env parser.parent_parser = self.parent_parser parser.parser_mode = self.parent_parser.parser_mode parser._error_handler = self.parent_parser._error_handler parser.exit_on_error = self.parent_parser.exit_on_error parser.logger = self.parent_parser.logger parser.subcommand = name # create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help aliases = kwargs.pop("aliases", ()) if "help" in kwargs: help_arg = kwargs.pop("help") choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, aliases, help_arg) self._choices_actions.append(choice_action) # add the parser to the name-parser map self._name_parser_map[name] = parser for alias in aliases: self._name_parser_map[alias] = parser return parser def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): """Adds sub-command dest and parses sub-command arguments.""" subcommand = values[0] arg_strings = values[1:] # set the parser name namespace[self.dest] = subcommand # parse arguments if subcommand in self._name_parser_map: subparser = self._name_parser_map[subcommand] subnamespace = namespace.get(subcommand).clone() if subcommand in namespace else None kwargs = dict(_skip_check=True, **parse_kwargs.get()) namespace[subcommand] = subparser.parse_args(arg_strings, namespace=subnamespace, **kwargs) @staticmethod @contextmanager def parse_kwargs_context(kwargs): parse_kwargs.set(kwargs) yield @staticmethod @contextmanager def not_single_subcommand(): t = single_subcommand.set(False) try: yield finally: single_subcommand.reset(t) @staticmethod def get_subcommands( parser: "ArgumentParser", cfg: Namespace, prefix: str = "", fail_no_subcommand: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[List[str]], Optional[List["ArgumentParser"]]]: """Returns subcommand names and corresponding subparsers.""" if parser._subcommands_action is None: return None, None action = parser._subcommands_action require_single = single_subcommand.get() # Get subcommand settings keys subcommand_keys = [k for k in action.choices.keys() if isinstance(cfg.get(prefix + k), Namespace)] # Get subcommand subcommand = None dest = prefix + action.dest if dest in cfg and cfg.get(dest) is not None: subcommand = cfg[dest] elif len(subcommand_keys) > 0 and (fail_no_subcommand or require_single): cfg[dest] = subcommand = subcommand_keys[0] if len(subcommand_keys) > 1: warnings.warn( f'Multiple subcommand settings provided ({", ".join(subcommand_keys)}) without an ' f'explicit "{dest}" key. Subcommand "{subcommand}" will be used.' ) # Remove extra subcommand settings if subcommand and len(subcommand_keys) > 1: for key in [k for k in subcommand_keys if k != subcommand]: del cfg[prefix + key] if subcommand: subcommand_keys = [subcommand] if fail_no_subcommand: if subcommand is None and not (fail_no_subcommand and action._required): # type: ignore return None, None if action._required and subcommand not in action._name_parser_map: # type: ignore raise KeyError(f'"{dest}" is required but not given or its value is None.') return subcommand_keys, [action._name_parser_map.get(s) for s in subcommand_keys] # type: ignore @staticmethod def get_subcommand( parser: "ArgumentParser", cfg: Namespace, prefix: str = "", fail_no_subcommand: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional["ArgumentParser"]]: """Returns a single subcommand name and corresponding subparser.""" subcommands, subparsers = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommands( parser, cfg, prefix=prefix, fail_no_subcommand=fail_no_subcommand, ) return subcommands[0] if subcommands else None, subparsers[0] if subparsers else None @staticmethod def handle_subcommands( parser: "ArgumentParser", cfg: Namespace, env: Optional[bool], defaults: bool, prefix: str = "", fail_no_subcommand: bool = True, ) -> None: """Takes care of parsing subcommand values.""" subcommands, subparsers = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommands( parser, cfg, prefix=prefix, fail_no_subcommand=fail_no_subcommand ) if not subcommands or not subparsers: return for subcommand, subparser in zip(subcommands, subparsers): # Merge environment variable values and default values subnamespace = None key = prefix + subcommand with parent_parsers_context(key, parser): if env: subnamespace = subparser.parse_env(defaults=defaults, _skip_check=True) elif defaults: subnamespace = subparser.get_defaults(skip_check=True) # Update all subcommand settings if subnamespace is not None: cfg[key] = subparser.merge_config(cfg.get(key, Namespace()), subnamespace) # Handle inner subcommands if subparser._subparsers is not None: _ActionSubCommands.handle_subcommands( subparser, cfg, env, defaults, key + ".", fail_no_subcommand=fail_no_subcommand )