Source code for jsonargparse.signatures

"""Methods to add arguments based on class/method/function signatures."""

import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
from argparse import SUPPRESS
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union

from ._common import is_dataclass_like, is_subclass
from .actions import _ActionConfigLoad
from .optionals import get_doc_short_description, pydantic_support
from .parameter_resolvers import (
from .typehints import ActionTypeHint, LazyInitBaseClass, is_optional
from .typing import register_pydantic_type
from .util import LoggerProperty, get_import_path, iter_to_set_str

__all__ = [

kinds = inspect._ParameterKind
inspect_empty = inspect._empty

[docs]class SignatureArguments(LoggerProperty): """Methods to add arguments based on signatures to an ArgumentParser instance."""
[docs] def add_class_arguments( self, theclass: Type, nested_key: Optional[str] = None, as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, default: Optional[LazyInitBaseClass] = None, skip: Optional[Set[Union[str, int]]] = None, instantiate: bool = True, fail_untyped: bool = True, sub_configs: bool = False, linked_targets: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Adds arguments from a class based on its type hints and docstrings. Note: Keyword arguments without at least one valid type are ignored. Args: theclass: Class from which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. default: Default value used to override parameter defaults. Must be lazy_instance. skip: Names of parameters or number of positionals that should be skipped. instantiate: Whether the class group should be instantiated by :code:`instantiate_classes`. fail_untyped: Whether to raise exception if a required parameter does not have a type. sub_configs: Whether subclass type hints should be loadable from inner config file. Returns: The list of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a class. ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ if not inspect.isclass(theclass): raise ValueError(f'Expected "theclass" parameter to be a class type, got: {theclass}.') if default and not (isinstance(default, LazyInitBaseClass) and isinstance(default, theclass)): raise ValueError(f'Expected "default" parameter to be a lazy instance of the class, got: {default}.') added_args = self._add_signature_arguments( theclass, None, nested_key, as_group, as_positional, skip, fail_untyped, sub_configs=sub_configs, instantiate=instantiate, linked_targets=linked_targets, ) if default: skip = skip or set() prefix = nested_key + "." if nested_key else "" defaults = default.lazy_get_init_args() if defaults: defaults = {prefix + k: v for k, v in defaults.items() if k not in skip} self.set_defaults(**defaults) # type: ignore return added_args
[docs] def add_method_arguments( self, theclass: Type, themethod: str, nested_key: Optional[str] = None, as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, skip: Optional[Set[Union[str, int]]] = None, fail_untyped: bool = True, sub_configs: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: """Adds arguments from a class based on its type hints and docstrings. Note: Keyword arguments without at least one valid type are ignored. Args: theclass: Class which includes the method. themethod: Name of the method for which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters or number of positionals that should be skipped. fail_untyped: Whether to raise exception if a required parameter does not have a type. sub_configs: Whether subclass type hints should be loadable from inner config file. Returns: The list of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a class or the name of a method of the class. ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ if not inspect.isclass(theclass): raise ValueError('Expected "theclass" argument to be a class object.') if not hasattr(theclass, themethod) or not callable(getattr(theclass, themethod)): raise ValueError('Expected "themethod" argument to be a callable member of the class.') return self._add_signature_arguments( theclass, themethod, nested_key, as_group, as_positional, skip, fail_untyped, sub_configs=sub_configs, )
[docs] def add_function_arguments( self, function: Callable, nested_key: Optional[str] = None, as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, skip: Optional[Set[Union[str, int]]] = None, fail_untyped: bool = True, sub_configs: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: """Adds arguments from a function based on its type hints and docstrings. Note: Keyword arguments without at least one valid type are ignored. Args: function: Function from which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters or number of positionals that should be skipped. fail_untyped: Whether to raise exception if a required parameter does not have a type. sub_configs: Whether subclass type hints should be loadable from inner config file. Returns: The list of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a callable. ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ if not callable(function): raise ValueError('Expected "function" argument to be a callable object.') return self._add_signature_arguments( function, None, nested_key, as_group, as_positional, skip, fail_untyped, sub_configs=sub_configs, )
def _add_signature_arguments( self, function_or_class, method_name, nested_key: Optional[str], as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, skip: Optional[Set[Union[str, int]]] = None, fail_untyped: bool = True, sub_configs: bool = False, instantiate: bool = True, linked_targets: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Adds arguments from parameters of objects based on signatures and docstrings. Args: function_or_class: Object from which to add arguments. method_name: Class method from which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters or number of positionals that should be skipped. fail_untyped: Whether to raise exception if a required parameter does not have a type. sub_configs: Whether subclass type hints should be loadable from inner config file. instantiate: Whether the class group should be instantiated by :code:`instantiate_classes`. Returns: The list of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ params = get_signature_parameters(function_or_class, method_name, logger=self.logger) skip_positionals = [s for s in (skip or []) if isinstance(s, int)] if skip_positionals: if len(skip_positionals) > 1 or any(p <= 0 for p in skip_positionals): raise ValueError(f"Unexpected number of positionals to skip: {skip_positionals}") names = { for p in params[: skip_positionals[0]]} params = params[skip_positionals[0] :] self.logger.debug( f"Skipping parameters {names} because {skip_positionals[0]} positionals requested to be skipped." ) ## Create group if requested ## doc_group = get_doc_short_description(function_or_class, method_name, logger=self.logger) component = getattr(function_or_class, method_name) if method_name else function_or_class group = self._create_group_if_requested( component, nested_key, as_group, doc_group, config_load=len(params) > 0, instantiate=instantiate, ) ## Add parameter arguments ## added_args: List[str] = [] for param in params: self._add_signature_parameter( group, nested_key, param, added_args, skip={s for s in (skip or []) if isinstance(s, str)}, fail_untyped=fail_untyped, sub_configs=sub_configs, linked_targets=linked_targets, as_positional=as_positional, ) return added_args def _add_signature_parameter( self, group, nested_key: Optional[str], param, added_args: List[str], skip: Optional[Set[str]] = None, fail_untyped: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, sub_configs: bool = False, instantiate: bool = True, linked_targets: Optional[Set[str]] = None, default: Any = inspect_empty, **kwargs, ): name = kind = param.kind annotation = param.annotation if default == inspect_empty: default = param.default is_required = default == inspect_empty src = get_parameter_origins(param.component, param.parent) skip_message = f'Skipping parameter "{name}" from "{src}" because of: ' if not fail_untyped and annotation == inspect_empty: annotation = Any default = None if is_required else default is_required = False if is_required and linked_targets is not None and name in linked_targets: default = None is_required = False if ( kind in {kinds.VAR_POSITIONAL, kinds.VAR_KEYWORD} or (not is_required and name[0] == "_") or (annotation == inspect_empty and not is_required and default is None) ): return elif skip and name in skip: self.logger.debug(skip_message + "Parameter requested to be skipped.") return if is_factory_class(default): default = param.parent.__dataclass_fields__[name].default_factory() if annotation == inspect_empty and not is_required: annotation = type(default) if "help" not in kwargs: kwargs["help"] = param.doc if not is_required: kwargs["default"] = default if default is None and not is_optional(annotation, object): annotation = Optional[annotation] elif not as_positional: kwargs["required"] = True is_subclass_typehint = False is_dataclass_like_typehint = is_dataclass_like(annotation) dest = (nested_key + "." if nested_key else "") + name args = [dest if is_required and as_positional else "--" + dest] if param.origin: group_name = "; ".join(str(o) for o in param.origin) if group_name in group.parser.groups: group = group.parser.groups[group_name] else: group = group.parser.add_argument_group( f"Conditional arguments [origins: {group_name}]", name=group_name, ) if ( annotation in {str, int, float, bool} or is_subclass(annotation, (str, int, float)) or is_dataclass_like_typehint ): kwargs["type"] = annotation register_pydantic_type(annotation) elif annotation != inspect_empty: try: is_subclass_typehint = ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(annotation, all_subtypes=False) kwargs["type"] = annotation sub_add_kwargs: dict = {"fail_untyped": fail_untyped, "sub_configs": sub_configs} if is_subclass_typehint: prefix = name + ".init_args." subclass_skip = {s[len(prefix) :] for s in skip or [] if s.startswith(prefix)} sub_add_kwargs["skip"] = subclass_skip else: register_pydantic_type(annotation) args = ActionTypeHint.prepare_add_argument( args=args, kwargs=kwargs, enable_path=is_subclass_typehint and sub_configs, container=group, logger=self.logger, sub_add_kwargs=sub_add_kwargs, ) except ValueError as ex: self.logger.debug(skip_message + str(ex)) if "type" in kwargs or "action" in kwargs: sub_add_kwargs = { "fail_untyped": fail_untyped, "sub_configs": sub_configs, "instantiate": instantiate, } if is_dataclass_like_typehint: kwargs.update(sub_add_kwargs) action = group.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) action.sub_add_kwargs = sub_add_kwargs if is_subclass_typehint and len(subclass_skip) > 0: action.sub_add_kwargs["skip"] = subclass_skip added_args.append(dest) elif is_required and fail_untyped: msg = f'With fail_untyped=True, all mandatory parameters must have a supported type. Parameter "{name}" from "{src}" ' if isinstance(annotation, str): msg += "specifies the type as a string. Types as a string and `from __future__ import annotations` is currently not supported." else: msg += "does not specify a type." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def add_dataclass_arguments( self, theclass: Type, nested_key: str, default: Optional[Union[Type, dict]] = None, as_group: bool = True, fail_untyped: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> List[str]: """Adds arguments from a dataclass based on its field types and docstrings. Args: theclass: Class from which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. default: Value for defaults. Must be instance of or kwargs for theclass. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. fail_untyped: Whether to raise exception if a required parameter does not have a type. Returns: The list of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a dataclass. ValueError: When default is not instance of or kwargs for theclass. """ if not is_dataclass_like(theclass): raise ValueError(f'Expected "theclass" argument to be a dataclass-like, given {theclass}') doc_group = get_doc_short_description(theclass, logger=self.logger) for key in ["help", "title"]: if key in kwargs and kwargs[key] is not None: doc_group = kwargs.pop(key) group = self._create_group_if_requested(theclass, nested_key, as_group, doc_group, config_load_type=theclass) defaults = {} if default is not None: if isinstance(default, dict): with suppress(TypeError): default = theclass(**default) if not isinstance(default, theclass): raise ValueError( f'Expected "default" argument to be an instance of "{theclass.__name__}" or its kwargs dict, given {default}' ) defaults = dataclass_to_dict(default) added_args: List[str] = [] param_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k == "sub_configs"} for param in get_signature_parameters(theclass, None, logger=self.logger): self._add_signature_parameter( group, nested_key, param, added_args, fail_untyped=fail_untyped, default=defaults.get(, inspect_empty), **param_kwargs, ) return added_args
[docs] def add_subclass_arguments( self, baseclass: Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]], nested_key: str, as_group: bool = True, skip: Optional[Set[str]] = None, instantiate: bool = True, required: bool = False, metavar: str = "CONFIG | CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME | .INIT_ARG_NAME VALUE", help: str = 'One or more arguments specifying "class_path" and "init_args" for any subclass of %(baseclass_name)s.', **kwargs, ): """Adds arguments to allow specifying any subclass of the given base class. This adds an argument that requires a dictionary with a "class_path" entry which must be a import dot notation expression. Optionally any init arguments for the class can be given in the "init_args" entry. Since subclasses can have different init arguments, the help does not show the details of the arguments of the base class. Instead a help argument is added that will print the details for a given class path. Args: baseclass: Base class or classes to use to check subclasses. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. skip: Names of parameters that should be skipped. required: Whether the argument group is required. metavar: Variable string to show in the argument's help. help: Description of argument to show in the help. **kwargs: Additional parameters like in add_class_arguments. Raises: ValueError: When given an invalid base class. """ if is_dataclass_like(baseclass): raise ValueError("Not allowed for dataclass-like classes.") if type(baseclass) is not tuple: baseclass = (baseclass,) # type: ignore if not all(inspect.isclass(c) for c in baseclass): raise ValueError('Expected "baseclass" argument to be a class or a tuple of classes.') doc_group = get_doc_short_description(baseclass[0], logger=self.logger) group = self._create_group_if_requested( baseclass, nested_key, as_group, doc_group, config_load=False, required=required, instantiate=False, ) added_args: List[str] = [] if skip is not None: skip = {nested_key + ".init_args." + s for s in skip} param = ParamData(name=nested_key, annotation=Union[baseclass], component=baseclass) str_baseclass = iter_to_set_str(get_import_path(x) for x in baseclass) kwargs.update( { "metavar": metavar, "help": (help % {"baseclass_name": str_baseclass}), } ) if "default" not in kwargs: kwargs["default"] = SUPPRESS self._add_signature_parameter( group, None, param, added_args, skip, sub_configs=True, instantiate=instantiate, **kwargs )
def _create_group_if_requested( self, obj, nested_key, as_group, doc_group, config_load=True, config_load_type=None, required=False, instantiate=True, ): if required: if nested_key is None: raise ValueError("A nested_key is mandatory to make required.") self.required_args.add(nested_key) group = self if as_group: if doc_group is None: doc_group = str(obj) name = obj.__name__ if nested_key is None else nested_key group = self.add_argument_group(strip_title(doc_group), name=name) if config_load and nested_key is not None: group.add_argument("--" + nested_key, action=_ActionConfigLoad(basetype=config_load_type)) if inspect.isclass(obj) and nested_key is not None and instantiate: group.dest = nested_key group.group_class = obj group.instantiate_class = group_instantiate_class return group
def group_instantiate_class(group, cfg): try: value, parent, key = cfg.get_value_and_parent(group.dest) except KeyError: value = {} parent = cfg key = group.dest parent[key] = group.group_class(**value) def strip_title(value): if value is not None: value = re.sub(r"\.$", "", value.strip()) return value def is_factory_class(value): return value.__class__ == dataclasses._HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS def dataclass_to_dict(value) -> dict: if pydantic_support: from pydantic import BaseModel # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module if isinstance(value, BaseModel): return value.dict() if isinstance(value, LazyInitBaseClass): return value.lazy_get_init_data().as_dict() return dataclasses.asdict(value)
[docs]def compose_dataclasses(*args): """Returns a dataclass inheriting all given dataclasses and properly handling __post_init__.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class ComposedDataclass(*args): def __post_init__(self): for arg in args: if hasattr(arg, "__post_init__"): arg.__post_init__(self) return ComposedDataclass