Source code for jsonargparse.formatters

"""Formatter classes."""

import re
from argparse import (
from io import StringIO
from string import Template
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

from ._common import defaults_cache, parent_parser
from .actions import (
from .link_arguments import ActionLink
from .namespace import Namespace
from .optionals import import_ruyaml
from .type_checking import ArgumentParser, ruyamlCommentedMap
from .typehints import ActionTypeHint, type_to_str

__all__ = ["DefaultHelpFormatter"]

empty_help: str = "_EMPTY_HELP_"

class PercentTemplate(Template):
    delimiter = "%"
    pattern = r"""
    """  # type: ignore

[docs]class DefaultHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter): """Help message formatter that includes types, default values and env var names. This class is an extension of `argparse.HelpFormatter <>`_. Default values are always included. Furthermore, if the parser is configured with :code:`default_env=True` command line options are preceded by 'ARG:' and the respective environment variable name is included preceded by 'ENV:'. """ def _get_help_string(self, action: Action) -> str: action_help = " " if == empty_help else assert isinstance(action_help, str) if isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile): return action_help if isinstance(action, _HelpAction): help_str = action_help[0].upper() + action_help[1:] if help_str[-1] != ".": help_str += "." return help_str help_str = "" is_required = hasattr(action, "_required") and action._required if is_required: help_str = "required" if "%(type)" not in action_help and self._get_type_str(action) is not None: help_str += (", " if help_str else "") + "type: %(type)s" if ( "%(default)" not in action_help and action.default != SUPPRESS and (action.default is not None or not is_required) and (action.option_strings or action.nargs in {OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE}) ): help_str += (", " if help_str else "") + "default: %(default)s" if isinstance(action, ActionTypeHint): help_str += action.extra_help() return action_help + (" (" + help_str + ")" if help_str else "") def _format_usage(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: usage = super()._format_usage(*args, **kwargs) parser = parent_parser.get() for key in parser.required_args: try: default = parser.get_default(key) except KeyError: default = None if default is None and f"[--{key} " in usage: usage = re.sub(f"\\[(--{key} [^\\]]+)]", r"\1", usage, count=1) return usage def _format_action_invocation(self, action: Action) -> str: parser = parent_parser.get() if action.option_strings == [] or action.default == SUPPRESS or not parser.default_env: return super()._format_action_invocation(action) extr = "" if parser.default_env: extr += "\n ENV: " + get_env_var(self, action) return "ARG: " + super()._format_action_invocation(action) + extr def _get_default_metavar_for_optional(self, action: Action) -> str: return action.dest.rsplit(".")[-1].upper() def _expand_help(self, action: Action) -> str: params = dict(vars(action), prog=self._prog) if params.get("choices") is not None: choices_str = ", ".join([str(c) for c in params["choices"]]) params["choices"] = choices_str type_str = self._get_type_str(action) if type_str is not None: params["type"] = type_str orig_default = action.default if params.get("default") == SUPPRESS: del params["default"] elif "default" in params: defaults = defaults_cache.get() if defaults is not None: params["default"] = action.default = defaults.get(action.dest) if params["default"] is None: params["default"] = "null" elif isinstance(params["default"], Namespace): params["default"] = params["default"].as_dict() help_str = PercentTemplate(self._get_help_string(action)).safe_substitute(params) action.default = orig_default return help_str def _get_type_str(self, action: Action) -> Optional[str]: type_str = None if isinstance(action, ActionYesNo): type_str = "bool" elif action.type is not None: type_str = type_to_str(action.type) elif isinstance(action, ActionTypeHint): type_str = type_to_str(action._typehint) return type_str def add_usage(self, usage: Optional[str], actions: Iterable[Action], *args, **kwargs) -> None: actions = [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, ActionLink)] super().add_usage(usage, actions, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_yaml_comments(self, cfg: str) -> str: """Adds help text as yaml comments.""" ruyaml = import_ruyaml("add_yaml_comments") yaml = ruyaml.YAML() cfg = yaml.load(cfg) def get_subparsers(parser, prefix=""): subparsers = {} if parser._subparsers is not None: for key, subparser in parser._subparsers._group_actions[0].choices.items(): full_key = (prefix + "." if prefix else "") + key subparsers[full_key] = subparser subparsers.update(get_subparsers(subparser, prefix=full_key)) return subparsers parser = parent_parser.get() parsers = get_subparsers(parser) parsers[None] = parser group_titles = {} for parser_key, parser in parsers.items(): group_titles[parser_key] = parser.description prefix = "" if parser_key is None else parser_key + "." for group in parser._action_groups: actions = filter_default_actions(group._group_actions) actions = [ a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, (_ActionConfigLoad, ActionConfigFile, _ActionSubCommands)) ] keys = {re.sub(r"\.?[^.]+$", "", a.dest) for a in actions if "." in a.dest} for key in keys: group_titles[prefix + key] = group.title def set_comments(cfg, prefix="", depth=0): for key in cfg.keys(): full_key = (prefix + "." if prefix else "") + key action = _find_action(parser, full_key) text = None if full_key in group_titles and isinstance(cfg[key], dict): text = group_titles[full_key] elif action is not None and not in {None, SUPPRESS}: text = self._expand_help(action) if isinstance(cfg[key], dict): if text: self.set_yaml_group_comment(text, cfg, key, depth) set_comments(cfg[key], full_key, depth + 1) elif text: self.set_yaml_argument_comment(text, cfg, key, depth) if parser.description is not None: self.set_yaml_start_comment(parser.description, cfg) set_comments(cfg) out = StringIO() yaml.dump(cfg, out) return out.getvalue()
[docs] def set_yaml_start_comment( self, text: str, cfg: "ruyamlCommentedMap", ): """Sets the start comment to a ruyaml object. Args: text: The content to use for the comment. cfg: The ruyaml object. """ cfg.yaml_set_start_comment(text)
[docs] def set_yaml_group_comment( self, text: str, cfg: "ruyamlCommentedMap", key: str, depth: int, ): """Sets the comment for a group to a ruyaml object. Args: text: The content to use for the comment. cfg: The parent ruyaml object. key: The key of the group. depth: The nested level of the group. """ cfg.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(key, before="\n" + text, indent=2 * depth)
[docs] def set_yaml_argument_comment( self, text: str, cfg: "ruyamlCommentedMap", key: str, depth: int, ): """Sets the comment for an argument to a ruyaml object. Args: text: The content to use for the comment. cfg: The parent ruyaml object. key: The key of the argument. depth: The nested level of the argument. """ cfg.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(key, before="\n" + text, indent=2 * depth)
def get_env_var( parser_or_formatter: Union["ArgumentParser", DefaultHelpFormatter], action: Optional[Action] = None, ) -> str: """Returns the environment variable name for a given parser or formatter and action.""" if isinstance(parser_or_formatter, DefaultHelpFormatter): parser = parent_parser.get() else: parser = parser_or_formatter env_var = "" if isinstance(parser.env_prefix, str): env_var = parser.env_prefix + "_" if action: env_var += action.dest env_var = env_var.replace(".", "__").upper() return env_var