Source code for jsonargparse.core

"""Extensions of core argparse classes."""

import argparse
import glob
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import (

from ._common import is_dataclass_like, is_subclass, lenient_check, parser_context
from .actions import (
from .deprecated import ParserDeprecations
from .formatters import DefaultHelpFormatter, empty_help, get_env_var
from .jsonnet import ActionJsonnet, ActionJsonnetExtVars
from .jsonschema import ActionJsonSchema
from .link_arguments import ActionLink, ArgumentLinking
from .loaders_dumpers import (
from .namespace import (
from .optionals import (
from .parameter_resolvers import UnknownDefault
from .signatures import SignatureArguments
from .typehints import ActionTypeHint, is_subclass_spec
from .util import (

__all__ = ['ActionsContainer', 'ArgumentParser']

[docs]class ActionsContainer(SignatureArguments, argparse._ActionsContainer): """Extension of argparse._ActionsContainer to support additional functionalities.""" _action_groups: Sequence['_ArgumentGroup'] # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.register('type', None, identity) self.register('action', 'parsers', _ActionSubCommands)
[docs] def add_argument(self, *args, enable_path: bool = False, **kwargs): """Adds an argument to the parser or argument group. All the arguments from `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument <>`_ are supported. Additionally it accepts: Args: enable_path: Whether to try parsing path/subconfig when argument is a complex type. """ parser = self.parser if hasattr(self, 'parser') else self if 'action' in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs['action'], ActionParser): if kwargs['action']._parser == parser: raise ValueError('Parser cannot be added as a subparser of itself.') return ActionParser._move_parser_actions(parser, args, kwargs) if is_subclass(kwargs['action'], ActionConfigFile) and any(isinstance(a, ActionConfigFile) for a in self._actions): raise ValueError('A parser is only allowed to have a single ActionConfigFile argument.') if 'type' in kwargs: if is_dataclass_like(kwargs['type']): theclass = kwargs.pop('type') nested_key = re.sub('^--', '', args[0]) self.add_dataclass_arguments(theclass, nested_key, **kwargs) return _find_action(parser, nested_key) if ActionTypeHint.is_supported_typehint(kwargs['type']): args = ActionTypeHint.prepare_add_argument( args=args, kwargs=kwargs, enable_path=enable_path, container=super(), logger=self._logger, ) action = super().add_argument(*args, **kwargs) action.logger = self._logger # type: ignore if isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile) and getattr(self, '_print_config', None) is not None: self.add_argument(self._print_config, action=_ActionPrintConfig) # type: ignore if is_meta_key(action.dest): raise ValueError(f'Argument with destination name "{action.dest}" not allowed.') if is None: = empty_help if action.required: parser.required_args.add(action.dest) action._required = True # type: ignore action.required = False return action
[docs] def add_argument_group(self, *args, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> '_ArgumentGroup': """Adds a group to the parser. All the arguments from `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument_group <>`_ are supported. Additionally it accepts: Args: name: Name of the group. If set, the group object will be included in the parser.groups dict. Returns: The group object. Raises: ValueError: If group with the same name already exists. """ parser = self.parser if hasattr(self, 'parser') else self if name is not None and name in parser.groups: raise ValueError(f'Group with name {name} already exists.') group = _ArgumentGroup(parser, *args, logger=parser._logger, **kwargs) group.parser = parser parser._action_groups.append(group) if name is not None: parser.groups[name] = group return group
class _ArgumentGroup(ActionsContainer, argparse._ArgumentGroup): """Extension of argparse._ArgumentGroup to support additional functionalities.""" dest: Optional[str] = None parser: Optional['ArgumentParser'] = None
[docs]class ArgumentParser(ParserDeprecations, ActionsContainer, ArgumentLinking, argparse.ArgumentParser): """Parser for command line, configuration files and environment variables.""" formatter_class: Type[DefaultHelpFormatter] groups: Optional[Dict[str, '_ArgumentGroup']] = None _subcommands_action: Optional[_ActionSubCommands] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, env_prefix: Union[bool, str] = True, formatter_class: Type[DefaultHelpFormatter] = DefaultHelpFormatter, exit_on_error: bool = True, logger: Union[bool, str, dict, logging.Logger] = False, version: Optional[str] = None, print_config: Optional[str] = '--print_config', parser_mode: str = 'yaml', dump_header: Optional[List[str]] = None, default_config_files: Optional[List[str]] = None, default_env: bool = False, default_meta: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> None: """Initializer for ArgumentParser instance. All the arguments from the initializer of `argparse.ArgumentParser <>`_ are supported. Additionally it accepts: Args: env_prefix: Prefix for environment variables. ``True`` to derive from ``prog``. formatter_class: Class for printing help messages. logger: Configures the logger, see :class:`.LoggerProperty`. version: Program version which will be printed by the --version argument. print_config: Add this as argument to print config, set None to disable. parser_mode: Mode for parsing configuration files: ``'yaml'``, ``'jsonnet'`` or ones added via :func:`.set_loader`. dump_header: Header to include as comment when dumping a config object. default_config_files: Default config file locations, e.g. :code:`['~/.config/myapp/*.yaml']`. default_env: Set the default value on whether to parse environment variables. default_meta: Set the default value on whether to include metadata in config objects. """ super().__init__(*args, formatter_class=formatter_class, logger=logger, **kwargs) if self.groups is None: self.groups = {} self.exit_on_error = exit_on_error self.required_args: Set[str] = set() self.save_path_content: Set[str] = set() self.default_config_files = default_config_files # type: ignore self.default_meta = default_meta self.default_env = default_env self.env_prefix = env_prefix self.parser_mode = parser_mode self.dump_header = dump_header self._print_config = print_config if version is not None: self.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+version, help='Print version and exit.')
## Parsing methods ##
[docs] def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): """Raises NotImplementedError to dissuade its use, since typos in configs would go unnoticed.""" caller_mod = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]) caller = None if caller_mod is None else caller_mod.__package__ if caller not in {'jsonargparse', 'argcomplete'}: raise NotImplementedError('parse_known_args not implemented to dissuade its use, since typos in configs would go unnoticed.') namespace = argcomplete_namespace(caller, self, namespace) try: with patch_namespace(), parser_context(parent_parser=self, lenient_check=True), ActionTypeHint.subclass_arg_context(self): namespace, args = self._parse_known_args(args, namespace) except argparse.ArgumentError as ex: self.error(str(ex), ex) return namespace, args
def _parse_optional(self, arg_string): subclass_arg = ActionTypeHint.parse_argv_item(arg_string) if subclass_arg: return subclass_arg if arg_string == self._print_config: arg_string += '=' return super()._parse_optional(arg_string) def _parse_common( self, cfg: Namespace, env: Optional[bool], defaults: bool, with_meta: Optional[bool], skip_check: bool, skip_required: bool = False, skip_subcommands: bool = False, fail_no_subcommand: bool = True, ) -> Namespace: """Common parsing code used by other parse methods. Args: cfg: The configuration object. env: Whether to merge with the parsed environment, None to use parser's default. defaults: Whether to merge with the parser's defaults. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object, None to use parser's default. skip_check: Whether to skip check if configuration is valid. skip_required: Whether to skip check of required arguments. skip_subcommands: Whether to skip subcommand processing. fail_no_subcommand: Whether to fail if no subcommand given. Returns: A config object with all parsed values. """ if env is None and self._default_env: env = True if not skip_subcommands: _ActionSubCommands.handle_subcommands(self, cfg, env=env, defaults=defaults, fail_no_subcommand=fail_no_subcommand) if defaults: with parser_context(lenient_check=True): ActionTypeHint.add_sub_defaults(self, cfg) _ActionPrintConfig.print_config_if_requested(self, cfg) with parser_context(parent_parser=self): ActionLink.apply_parsing_links(self, cfg) if not skip_check and not lenient_check.get(): self.check_config(cfg, skip_required=skip_required) if not (with_meta or (with_meta is None and self._default_meta)): cfg = strip_meta(cfg) return cfg def _parse_defaults_and_environ( self, defaults: bool = True, env: Optional[bool] = None, environ: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], os._Environ]] = None, ): cfg = Namespace() if defaults: cfg = self.get_defaults(skip_check=True) if env or (env is None and self._default_env): if environ is None: environ = os.environ with parser_context(load_value_mode=self.parser_mode): cfg_env = self._load_env_vars(env=environ, defaults=defaults) cfg = self.merge_config(cfg_env, cfg) return cfg
[docs] def parse_args( # type: ignore[override] self, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, namespace: Optional[Namespace] = None, env: Optional[bool] = None, defaults: bool = True, with_meta: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Namespace: """Parses command line argument strings. All the arguments from `argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args <>`_ are supported. Additionally it accepts: Args: args: List of arguments to parse or None to use sys.argv. env: Whether to merge with the parsed environment, None to use parser's default. defaults: Whether to merge with the parser's defaults. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object, None to use parser's default. Returns: A config object with all parsed values. Raises: ArgumentError: If the parsing fails error and exit_on_error=True. """ skip_check = get_private_kwargs(kwargs, _skip_check=False) return_parser_if_captured(self) argcomplete_autocomplete(self) if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] else: args = list(args) if not all(isinstance(a, str) for a in args): self.error(f'All arguments are expected to be strings: {args}') self.args = args try: cfg = self._parse_defaults_and_environ(defaults, env) if namespace: cfg = self.merge_config(namespace, cfg) with _ActionSubCommands.parse_kwargs_context({'env': env, 'defaults': defaults}): cfg, unk = self.parse_known_args(args=args, namespace=cfg) if unk: self.error(f'Unrecognized arguments: {" ".join(unk)}') parsed_cfg = self._parse_common( cfg=cfg, env=env, defaults=defaults, with_meta=with_meta, skip_check=skip_check, ) except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: self.error(str(ex), ex) self._logger.debug('Parsed command line arguments: %s', args) return parsed_cfg
[docs] def parse_object( self, cfg_obj: Union[Namespace, Dict[str, Any]], cfg_base: Optional[Namespace] = None, env: Optional[bool] = None, defaults: bool = True, with_meta: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Namespace: """Parses configuration given as an object. Args: cfg_obj: The configuration object. env: Whether to merge with the parsed environment, None to use parser's default. defaults: Whether to merge with the parser's defaults. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object, None to use parser's default. Returns: A config object with all parsed values. Raises: ArgumentError: If the parsing fails error and exit_on_error=True. """ skip_check, skip_required = get_private_kwargs(kwargs, _skip_check=False, _skip_required=False) try: cfg = self._parse_defaults_and_environ(defaults, env) if cfg_base: cfg = self.merge_config(cfg_base, cfg) cfg_apply = self._apply_actions(cfg_obj, prev_cfg=cfg) cfg = self.merge_config(cfg_apply, cfg) parsed_cfg = self._parse_common( cfg=cfg, env=env, defaults=defaults, with_meta=with_meta, skip_check=skip_check, skip_required=skip_required, ) except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: self.error(str(ex), ex) self._logger.debug('Parsed object: %s', cfg_obj) return parsed_cfg
def _load_env_vars(self, env: Union[Dict[str, str], os._Environ], defaults: bool) -> Namespace: cfg = Namespace() actions = filter_default_actions(self._actions) for action in actions: env_var = get_env_var(self, action) if env_var in env and isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile): ActionConfigFile.apply_config(self, cfg, action.dest, env[env_var]) for action in actions: env_var = get_env_var(self, action) if env_var in env and isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands): env_val = env[env_var] if env_val in action.choices: cfg[action.dest] = subcommand = self._check_value_key(action, env_val, action.dest, cfg) pcfg = action._name_parser_map[env_val].parse_env(env=env, defaults=defaults, _skip_check=True) for k, v in vars(pcfg).items(): cfg[subcommand+'.'+k] = v for action in actions: env_var = get_env_var(self, action) if env_var in env and not isinstance(action, (ActionConfigFile, _ActionSubCommands)): env_val = env[env_var] if _is_action_value_list(action): if re.match('^ *\\[.+,.+] *$', env_val): try: env_val = load_value(env_val) except get_loader_exceptions(): env_val = [env_val] else: env_val = [env_val] cfg[action.dest] = self._check_value_key(action, env_val, action.dest, cfg) self._apply_actions(cfg) return cfg
[docs] def parse_env( self, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, defaults: bool = True, with_meta: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Namespace: """Parses environment variables. Args: env: The environment object to use, if None `os.environ` is used. defaults: Whether to merge with the parser's defaults. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object, None to use parser's default. Returns: A config object with all parsed values. Raises: ArgumentError: If the parsing fails error and exit_on_error=True. """ skip_check, skip_subcommands = get_private_kwargs(kwargs, _skip_check=False, _skip_subcommands=False) try: cfg = self._parse_defaults_and_environ(defaults, env=True, environ=env) parsed_cfg = self._parse_common( cfg=cfg, env=True, defaults=defaults, with_meta=with_meta, skip_check=skip_check, skip_subcommands=skip_subcommands, ) except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: self.error(str(ex), ex) self._logger.debug('Parsed environment variables') return parsed_cfg
[docs] def parse_path( self, cfg_path: str, ext_vars: Optional[dict] = None, env: Optional[bool] = None, defaults: bool = True, with_meta: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Namespace: """Parses a configuration file given its path. Args: cfg_path: Path to the configuration file to parse. ext_vars: Optional external variables used for parsing jsonnet. env: Whether to merge with the parsed environment, None to use parser's default. defaults: Whether to merge with the parser's defaults. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object, None to use parser's default. Returns: A config object with all parsed values. Raises: ArgumentError: If the parsing fails error and exit_on_error=True. """ fpath = Path(cfg_path, mode=get_config_read_mode()) with change_to_path_dir(fpath): cfg_str = fpath.get_content() parsed_cfg = self.parse_string( cfg_str, os.path.basename(cfg_path), ext_vars, env, defaults, with_meta, **kwargs, ) self._logger.debug('Parsed configuration from path: %s', cfg_path) return parsed_cfg
[docs] def parse_string( self, cfg_str: str, cfg_path: str = '', ext_vars: Optional[dict] = None, env: Optional[bool] = None, defaults: bool = True, with_meta: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Namespace: """Parses configuration given as a string. Args: cfg_str: The configuration content. cfg_path: Optional path to original config path, just for error printing. ext_vars: Optional external variables used for parsing jsonnet. env: Whether to merge with the parsed environment, None to use parser's default. defaults: Whether to merge with the parser's defaults. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object, None to use parser's default. Returns: A config object with all parsed values. Raises: ArgumentError: If the parsing fails error and exit_on_error=True. """ skip_check, fail_no_subcommand = get_private_kwargs(kwargs, _skip_check=False, _fail_no_subcommand=True) try: with parser_context(load_value_mode=self.parser_mode): cfg = self._load_config_parser_mode(cfg_str, cfg_path, ext_vars, previous_config.get()) if defaults or env: cfg_base = self._parse_defaults_and_environ(defaults, env) cfg = self.merge_config(cfg, cfg_base) parsed_cfg = self._parse_common( cfg=cfg, env=env, defaults=defaults, with_meta=with_meta, skip_check=skip_check, fail_no_subcommand=fail_no_subcommand, ) except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: self.error(str(ex), ex) self._logger.debug('Parsed %s string: %s', self.parser_mode, cfg_str) return parsed_cfg
def _load_config_parser_mode( self, cfg_str: str, cfg_path: str = '', ext_vars: Optional[dict] = None, prev_cfg: Optional[Namespace] = None, ) -> Namespace: """Loads a configuration string into a namespace. Args: cfg_str: The configuration content. cfg_path: Optional path to original config path, just for error printing. ext_vars: Optional external variables used for parsing jsonnet. Raises: TypeError: If there is an invalid value according to the parser. """ try: cfg_dict = load_value(cfg_str, path=cfg_path, ext_vars=ext_vars) except get_loader_exceptions() as ex: raise TypeError(f'Problems parsing config: {ex}') from ex if not isinstance(cfg_dict, dict): raise TypeError(f'Unexpected config: {cfg_str}') return self._apply_actions(cfg_dict, prev_cfg=prev_cfg) ## Methods for adding to the parser ##
[docs] def add_subparsers(self, **kwargs) -> NoReturn: """Raises a NotImplementedError since jsonargparse uses add_subcommands.""" raise NotImplementedError('In jsonargparse sub-commands are added using the add_subcommands method.')
[docs] def add_subcommands(self, required: bool = True, dest: str = 'subcommand', **kwargs) -> _ActionSubCommands: """Adds sub-command parsers to the ArgumentParser. The aim is the same as `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers <>`_ the difference being that dest by default is 'subcommand' and the parsed values of the sub-command are stored in a nested namespace using the sub-command's name as base key. Args: required: Whether the subcommand must be provided. dest: Destination key where the chosen subcommand name is stored. **kwargs: All options that `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` accepts. """ if 'description' not in kwargs: kwargs['description'] = 'For more details of each subcommand, add it as an argument followed by --help.' with parser_context(parent_parser=self, lenient_check=True): subcommands: _ActionSubCommands = super().add_subparsers(dest=dest, **kwargs) # type: ignore if required: self.required_args.add(dest) subcommands._required = required # type: ignore subcommands.required = False subcommands.parent_parser = self subcommands.env_prefix = get_env_var(self) self._subcommands_action = subcommands return subcommands
## Methods for serializing config objects ##
[docs] def dump( self, cfg: Namespace, format: str = 'parser_mode', skip_none: bool = True, skip_default: bool = False, skip_check: bool = False, yaml_comments: bool = False, ) -> str: """Generates a yaml or json string for the given configuration object. Args: cfg: The configuration object to dump. format: The output format: ``'yaml'``, ``'json'``, ``'json_indented'``, ``'parser_mode'`` or ones added via :func:`.set_dumper`. skip_none: Whether to exclude entries whose value is None. skip_default: Whether to exclude entries whose value is the same as the default. skip_check: Whether to skip parser checking. yaml_comments: Whether to add help content as comments. ``yaml_comments=True`` implies ``format='yaml'``. Returns: The configuration in yaml or json format. Raises: TypeError: If any of the values of cfg is invalid according to the parser. """ check_valid_dump_format(format) cfg = strip_meta(cfg) ActionLink.strip_link_target_keys(self, cfg) with parser_context(load_value_mode=self.parser_mode): if not skip_check: self.check_config(cfg) dump_kwargs = {'skip_check': skip_check, 'skip_none': skip_none} self._dump_cleanup_actions(cfg, self._actions, dump_kwargs) cfg_dict = cfg.as_dict() if skip_default: defaults = self.get_defaults(skip_check=True) ActionLink.strip_link_target_keys(self, defaults) self._dump_cleanup_actions(defaults, self._actions, {'skip_check': True, 'skip_none': skip_none}) self._dump_delete_default_entries(cfg_dict, defaults.as_dict()) with parser_context(parent_parser=self): return dump_using_format(self, cfg_dict, 'yaml_comments' if yaml_comments else format)
def _dump_cleanup_actions(self, cfg, actions, dump_kwargs, prefix=''): skip_none = dump_kwargs['skip_none'] for action in filter_default_actions(actions): action_dest = prefix + action.dest if ( == argparse.SUPPRESS and not isinstance(action, _ActionConfigLoad)) or \ isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile) or \ (skip_none and action_dest in cfg and cfg[action_dest] is None): cfg.pop(action_dest, None) elif isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands): cfg.pop(action_dest, None) for key, subparser in action.choices.items(): self._dump_cleanup_actions(cfg, subparser._actions, dump_kwargs, prefix=prefix+key+'.') elif isinstance(action, ActionTypeHint): value = cfg.get(action_dest) if value is not None: with parser_context(parent_parser=self): value = action.serialize(value, dump_kwargs=dump_kwargs) cfg.update(value, action_dest) def _dump_delete_default_entries(self, subcfg, subdefaults): for key in list(subcfg.keys()): if key in subdefaults: val = subcfg[key] default = subdefaults[key] class_object_val = None if is_subclass_spec(val): if val['class_path'] != default.get('class_path'): with parser_context(parent_parser=self): parser = ActionTypeHint.get_class_parser(val['class_path']) default = {'init_args': parser.get_defaults().as_dict()} class_object_val = val val = val.get('init_args') default = default.get('init_args') if val == default: del subcfg[key] elif isinstance(val, dict) and isinstance(default, dict): self._dump_delete_default_entries(val, default) if class_object_val and class_object_val.get('init_args') == {}: del class_object_val['init_args']
[docs] def save( self, cfg: Namespace, path: str, format: str = 'parser_mode', skip_none: bool = True, skip_check: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, multifile: bool = True, branch: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Writes to file(s) the yaml or json for the given configuration object. Args: cfg: The configuration object to save. path: Path to the location where to save config. format: The output format: ``'yaml'``, ``'json'``, ``'json_indented'``, ``'parser_mode'`` or ones added via :func:`.set_dumper`. skip_none: Whether to exclude entries whose value is None. skip_check: Whether to skip parser checking. overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing files. multifile: Whether to save multiple config files by using the __path__ metas. Raises: TypeError: If any of the values of cfg is invalid according to the parser. """ check_valid_dump_format(format) def check_overwrite(path): if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(path()): raise ValueError('Refusing to overwrite existing file: '+path()) dump_kwargs = {'format': format, 'skip_none': skip_none, 'skip_check': skip_check} if fsspec_support: try: path_sw = Path(path, mode='sw') except TypeError: pass else: if path_sw.is_fsspec: if multifile: raise NotImplementedError('multifile=True not supported for fsspec paths: '+path) fsspec = import_fsspec('') with, 'w') as f: f.write(self.dump(cfg, **dump_kwargs)) # type: ignore return path_fc = Path(path, mode='fc') check_overwrite(path_fc) if not multifile: with open(path_fc(), 'w') as f: f.write(self.dump(cfg, **dump_kwargs)) # type: ignore else: cfg = cfg.clone() ActionLink.strip_link_target_keys(self, cfg) if not skip_check: with parser_context(load_value_mode=self.parser_mode): self.check_config(strip_meta(cfg), branch=branch) def save_paths(cfg): for key in cfg.get_sorted_keys(): val = cfg[key] if isinstance(val, (Namespace, dict)) and '__path__' in val: action = _find_action(self, key) if isinstance(action, (ActionJsonSchema, ActionJsonnet, ActionTypeHint, _ActionConfigLoad)): val_path = Path(os.path.basename(val['__path__']()), mode='fc') check_overwrite(val_path) val_out = strip_meta(val) if isinstance(val, Namespace): val_out = val_out.as_dict() if '__orig__' in val: val_str = val['__orig__'] else: is_json = str(val_path).lower().endswith('.json') val_str = dump_using_format(self, val_out, 'json_indented' if is_json else format) with open(val_path(), 'w') as f: f.write(val_str) cfg[key] = os.path.basename(val_path()) elif isinstance(val, Path) and key in self.save_path_content and 'r' in val.mode: val_path = Path(os.path.basename(val()), mode='fc') check_overwrite(val_path) with open(val_path(), 'w') as f: f.write(val.get_content()) cfg[key] = type(val)(str(val_path)) with change_to_path_dir(path_fc), parser_context(parent_parser=self): save_paths(cfg) dump_kwargs['skip_check'] = True with open(path_fc(), 'w') as f: f.write(self.dump(cfg, **dump_kwargs)) # type: ignore
## Methods related to defaults ##
[docs] def set_defaults(self, *args: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sets default values from dictionary or keyword arguments. Args: *args: Dictionary defining the default values to set. **kwargs: Sets default values based on keyword arguments. Raises: KeyError: If key not defined in the parser. """ if len(args) > 0: for arg in args: for dest, default in arg.items(): action = _find_action(self, dest) if action is None: raise KeyError(f'No action for destination key "{dest}" to set its default.') elif isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile): ActionConfigFile.set_default_error() action.default = default if isinstance(action, ActionTypeHint): action.normalize_default() self._defaults[dest] = action.default if kwargs: self.set_defaults(kwargs)
def _get_default_config_files(self) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str], Path]]: default_config_files = [] for key, parser in parent_parsers.get(): for pattern in parser.default_config_files: files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(pattern))) default_config_files += [(key, v) for v in files] for pattern in self.default_config_files: files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(pattern))) default_config_files += [(None, x) for x in files] if len(default_config_files) > 0: with suppress(TypeError): return [(k, Path(v, mode=get_config_read_mode())) for k, v in default_config_files] return []
[docs] def get_default(self, dest: str) -> Any: """Gets a single default value for the given destination key. Args: dest: Destination key from which to get the default. Raises: KeyError: If key or its default not defined in the parser. """ action, _ = _find_parent_action_and_subcommand(self, dest) if action is None or dest != action.dest: raise KeyError(f'No action for destination key "{dest}" to get its default.') def check_suppressed_default(): if action.default == argparse.SUPPRESS: raise KeyError(f'Action for destination key "{dest}" does not specify a default.') if not self._get_default_config_files(): check_suppressed_default() return action.default defaults = self.get_defaults() if action.dest not in defaults: check_suppressed_default() return defaults.get(action.dest)
[docs] def get_defaults(self, skip_check: bool = False) -> Namespace: """Returns a namespace with all default values. Args: skip_check: Whether to skip check if configuration is valid. Returns: An object with all default values as attributes. """ cfg = Namespace() for action in filter_default_actions(self._actions): if ( action.default != argparse.SUPPRESS and action.dest != argparse.SUPPRESS and not isinstance(action.default, UnknownDefault) ): cfg[action.dest] = recreate_branches(action.default) self._logger.debug('Loaded default values from parser') default_config_files = self._get_default_config_files() for key, default_config_file in default_config_files: with change_to_path_dir(default_config_file), parser_context(parent_parser=self): cfg_file = self._load_config_parser_mode(default_config_file.get_content()) if key is not None: cfg_file = cfg_file.get(key) cfg = self.merge_config(cfg_file, cfg) try: with _ActionPrintConfig.skip_print_config(): cfg = self._parse_common( cfg=cfg, env=False, defaults=False, with_meta=None, skip_check=skip_check, skip_required=True, ) except (TypeError, KeyError, argparse.ArgumentError) as ex: raise argument_error(f'Problem in default config file "{default_config_file}": {ex.args[0]}') from ex meta = cfg.get('__default_config__') if isinstance(meta, list): meta.append(default_config_file) elif isinstance(meta, Path): cfg['__default_config__'] = [meta, default_config_file] else: cfg['__default_config__'] = default_config_file self._logger.debug('Parsed default configuration from path: %s', default_config_file) ActionTypeHint.add_sub_defaults(self, cfg) return cfg
## Other methods ##
[docs] def error(self, message: str, ex: Optional[Exception] = None) -> NoReturn: """Logs error message if a logger is set and exits or raises an ArgumentError.""" self._logger.error(message) if callable(self._error_handler): self._error_handler(self, message) if not self.exit_on_error: raise argument_error(message) from ex elif 'JSONARGPARSE_DEBUG' in os.environ: self._logger.debug('Debug enabled, thus raising exception instead of exit.') raise argument_error(message) from ex self.print_usage(sys.stderr) args = {'prog': self.prog, 'message': message} sys.stderr.write('%(prog)s: error: %(message)s\n' % args) self.exit(2)
[docs] def check_config( self, cfg: Namespace, skip_none: bool = True, skip_required: bool = False, branch: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Checks that the content of a given configuration object conforms with the parser. Args: cfg: The configuration object to check. skip_none: Whether to skip checking of values that are None. skip_required: Whether to skip checking required arguments. branch: Base key in case cfg corresponds only to a branch. Raises: TypeError: If any of the values are not valid. KeyError: If a key in cfg is not defined in the parser. """ cfg = ccfg = cfg.clone() if isinstance(branch, str): branch_cfg = cfg cfg = Namespace() cfg[branch] = branch_cfg def check_required(cfg, parser, prefix=''): for reqkey in parser.required_args: try: val = cfg[reqkey] if val is None: raise TypeError except (KeyError, TypeError) as ex: raise TypeError(f'Key "{prefix}{reqkey}" is required but not included in config object or its value is None.') from ex subcommand, subparser = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommand(parser, cfg, fail_no_subcommand=False) if subcommand is not None and subparser is not None: check_required(cfg.get(subcommand), subparser, subcommand+'.') def check_values(cfg): for key in cfg.get_sorted_keys(): val = cfg[key] action = _find_action(self, key) if action is None: if ( _is_branch_key(self, key) or key.endswith('.class_path') or key.endswith('.dict_kwargs') or '.init_args' in key ): continue action = _find_parent_action(self, key, exclude=_ActionConfigLoad) if action and not ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(action): continue if action is not None: if val is None and skip_none: continue try: self._check_value_key(action, val, key, ccfg) except TypeError as ex: if not (val == {} and ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(action) and key not in self.required_args): raise ex elif key in self.groups and hasattr(self.groups[key], 'instantiate_class'): raise TypeError(f'Class group {key!r} got an unexpected value: {val}.') else: raise KeyError(f'No action for destination key "{key}" to check its value.') try: if not skip_required and not lenient_check.get(): check_required(cfg, self) with parser_context(load_value_mode=self.parser_mode): check_values(cfg) except (TypeError, KeyError) as ex: prefix = 'Configuration check failed :: ' message = ex.args[0] if prefix not in message: message = prefix+message raise type(ex)(message) from ex
[docs] def instantiate_classes( self, cfg: Namespace, instantiate_groups: bool = True, ) -> Namespace: """Recursively instantiates all subclasses defined by 'class_path' and 'init_args' and class groups. Args: cfg: The configuration object to use. instantiate_groups: Whether class groups should be instantiated. Returns: A configuration object with all subclasses and class groups instantiated. """ components: List[Union[ActionTypeHint, _ActionConfigLoad, _ArgumentGroup]] = [] for action in filter_default_actions(self._actions): if isinstance(action, ActionTypeHint) or \ (isinstance(action, _ActionConfigLoad) and is_dataclass_like(action.basetype)): components.append(action) if instantiate_groups: skip = {c.dest for c in components} groups = [g for g in self._action_groups if hasattr(g, 'instantiate_class') and g.dest not in skip] components.extend(groups) components.sort(key=lambda x: -len(split_key(x.dest))) # type: ignore order = ActionLink.instantiation_order(self) components = ActionLink.reorder(order, components) cfg = strip_meta(cfg) for component in components: ActionLink.apply_instantiation_links(self, cfg, target=component.dest) if isinstance(component, (ActionTypeHint, _ActionConfigLoad)): try: value, parent, key = cfg.get_value_and_parent(component.dest) except KeyError: pass else: if value is not None: with parser_context(parent_parser=self): parent[key] = component.instantiate_classes(value) else: with parser_context(load_value_mode=self.parser_mode): component.instantiate_class(component, cfg) ActionLink.apply_instantiation_links(self, cfg, order=order) subcommand, subparser = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommand(self, cfg, fail_no_subcommand=False) if subcommand is not None and subparser is not None: cfg[subcommand] = subparser.instantiate_classes(cfg[subcommand], instantiate_groups=instantiate_groups) return cfg
[docs] def strip_unknown(self, cfg: Namespace) -> Namespace: """Removes all unknown keys from a configuration object. Args: cfg: The configuration object to strip. Returns: The stripped configuration object. """ cfg = cfg.clone() del_keys = [] for key in cfg.keys(): if _find_action(self, key) is None and not is_meta_key(key): del_keys.append(key) for key in del_keys: del cfg[key] return cfg
[docs] def get_config_files(self, cfg: Namespace) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of loaded config file paths. Args: cfg: The configuration object. Returns: Paths to loaded config files. """ cfg_files = [] if '__default_config__' in cfg: cfg_files.append(cfg['__default_config__']) for action in filter_default_actions(self._actions): if isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile) and action.dest in cfg and cfg[action.dest] is not None: cfg_files.extend(p for p in cfg[action.dest] if p is not None) return cfg_files
def format_help(self) -> str: defaults = None if len(self._default_config_files) > 0: note = 'no existing default config file found.' try: defaults = self.get_defaults() if '__default_config__' in defaults: config_files = defaults['__default_config__'] if isinstance(config_files, list): config_files = [str(x) for x in config_files] note = f'default values below are the ones overridden by the contents of: {config_files}' except argparse.ArgumentError as ex: note = f'tried getting defaults considering default_config_files but failed due to: {ex}' group = self._default_config_files_group group.description = f'{self._default_config_files}, Note: {note}' with parser_context(parent_parser=self, defaults_cache=defaults): help_str = super().format_help() return help_str def print_usage(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: with parser_context(parent_parser=self): return super().print_usage(*args, **kwargs) def _apply_actions( self, cfg: Union[Namespace, Dict[str, Any]], parent_key: str = '', prev_cfg: Optional[Namespace] = None, skip_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]] = None, ) -> Namespace: """Runs _check_value_key on actions present in config.""" if isinstance(cfg, dict): cfg = Namespace(cfg) if parent_key: cfg_branch = cfg cfg = Namespace() cfg[parent_key] = cfg_branch keys = [parent_key+'.'+k for k in cfg_branch.__dict__.keys()] else: keys = list(cfg.__dict__.keys()) if prev_cfg: prev_cfg = prev_cfg.clone() else: prev_cfg = Namespace() config_keys: Set[str] = set() num = 0 while num < len(keys): key = keys[num] exclude = _ActionConfigLoad if key in config_keys else None action, subcommand = _find_action_and_subcommand(self, key, exclude=exclude) if isinstance(action, ActionJsonnet): ext_vars_key = action._ext_vars if ext_vars_key and ext_vars_key not in keys[:num]: keys = keys[:num] + [ext_vars_key] + [k for k in keys[num:] if k != ext_vars_key] continue num += 1 if action is None or isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands): value = cfg[key] if isinstance(value, dict): value = Namespace(value) if isinstance(value, Namespace): new_keys = value.__dict__.keys() keys += [key+'.'+k for k in new_keys if key+'.'+k not in keys] cfg[key] = value continue action_dest = action.dest if subcommand is None else subcommand+'.'+action.dest value = cfg[action_dest] if skip_fn and skip_fn(value): continue with parser_context(parent_parser=self, lenient_check=True): value = self._check_value_key(action, value, action_dest, prev_cfg) if isinstance(action, _ActionConfigLoad): config_keys.add(action_dest) keys.append(action_dest) elif isinstance(action, ActionJsonnetExtVars): prev_cfg[action_dest] = value cfg[action_dest] = value return cfg[parent_key] if parent_key else cfg
[docs] def merge_config(self, cfg_from: Namespace, cfg_to: Namespace) -> Namespace: """Merges the first configuration into the second configuration. Args: cfg_from: The configuration from which to merge. cfg_to: The configuration into which to merge. Returns: A new object with the merged configuration. """ cfg = cfg_to.clone() with parser_context(parent_parser=self): ActionTypeHint.discard_init_args_on_class_path_change(self, cfg, cfg_from) cfg.update(cfg_from) ActionTypeHint.apply_appends(self, cfg) return cfg
def _check_value_key(self, action: argparse.Action, value: Any, key: str, cfg: Optional[Namespace]) -> Any: """Checks the value for a given action. Args: action: The action used for parsing. value: The value to parse. key: The configuration key. Raises: TypeError: If the value is not valid. """ if value is None and lenient_check.get(): return value if action.choices is not None and isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands): leaf_key = split_key_leaf(key)[-1] if leaf_key == action.dest: return value subparser = action._name_parser_map[leaf_key] subparser.check_config(value) elif isinstance(action, _ActionConfigLoad): if isinstance(value, str): value = action.check_type(value, self) elif hasattr(action, '_check_type'): with parser_context(parent_parser=self): value = action._check_type(value, cfg=cfg) elif action.type is not None: try: if action.nargs in {None, '?'} or action.nargs == 0: value = action.type(value) elif value is not None: for k, v in enumerate(value): value[k] = action.type(v) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise TypeError(f'Parser key "{key}": {ex}') from ex return value ## Properties ## @property def default_config_files(self) -> List[str]: """Default config file locations. :getter: Returns the current default config file locations. :setter: Sets new default config file locations, e.g. :code:`['~/.config/myapp/*.yaml']`. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is given. """ return self._default_config_files @default_config_files.setter def default_config_files(self, default_config_files: Optional[List[str]]): if default_config_files is None: self._default_config_files = [] elif isinstance(default_config_files, list) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in default_config_files): self._default_config_files = default_config_files else: raise ValueError('default_config_files has to be None or List[str].') if len(self._default_config_files) > 0: if not hasattr(self, '_default_config_files_group'): group_title = 'default config file locations' group = _ArgumentGroup(self, title=group_title) self._action_groups = [group] + self._action_groups # type: ignore self._default_config_files_group = group elif hasattr(self, '_default_config_files_group'): self._action_groups = [g for g in self._action_groups if g != self._default_config_files_group] delattr(self, '_default_config_files_group') @property def default_env(self) -> bool: """Whether by default environment variables parsing is enabled. If the JSONARGPARSE_DEFAULT_ENV environment variable is set to true or false, that value will take precedence. :getter: Returns the current default environment variables parsing setting. :setter: Sets the default environment variables parsing setting. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is given. """ return self._default_env @default_env.setter def default_env(self, default_env:bool): if os.environ.get('JSONARGPARSE_DEFAULT_ENV', '').lower() in {'true', 'false'}: self._default_env = yaml_load(os.environ.get('JSONARGPARSE_DEFAULT_ENV')) elif isinstance(default_env, bool): self._default_env = default_env else: raise ValueError('default_env has to be a boolean.') if self._subcommands_action: for subparser in self._subcommands_action._name_parser_map.values(): subparser.default_env = self._default_env @property def default_meta(self) -> bool: """Whether by default metadata is included in config objects. :getter: Returns the current default metadata setting. :setter: Sets the default metadata setting. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is given. """ return self._default_meta @default_meta.setter def default_meta(self, default_meta: bool): if isinstance(default_meta, bool): self._default_meta = default_meta else: raise ValueError('default_meta has to be a boolean.') @property def env_prefix(self) -> Union[bool, str]: """The environment variables prefix property. :getter: Returns the current environment variables prefix. :setter: Sets the environment variables prefix. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is given. """ return self._env_prefix @env_prefix.setter def env_prefix(self, env_prefix: Union[bool, str]): if env_prefix is None: from .deprecated import ( deprecation_warning, env_prefix_property_none_message, ) deprecation_warning(ArgumentParser, env_prefix_property_none_message) env_prefix = False elif env_prefix is True: env_prefix = os.path.splitext(self.prog)[0] elif not isinstance(env_prefix, (bool, str)): raise ValueError('env_prefix must be a string or a boolean.') self._env_prefix = env_prefix @property def parser_mode(self) -> str: """Mode for parsing configuration files: ``'yaml'``, ``'jsonnet'`` or ones added via :func:`.set_loader`. :getter: Returns the current parser mode. :setter: Sets the parser mode. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is given. """ return self._parser_mode @parser_mode.setter def parser_mode(self, parser_mode: str): if parser_mode == 'omegaconf': set_omegaconf_loader() if parser_mode not in loaders: raise ValueError(f'The only accepted values for parser_mode are {set(loaders.keys())}.') if parser_mode == 'jsonnet': import_jsonnet('parser_mode=jsonnet') self._parser_mode = parser_mode if self._subcommands_action: for subparser in self._subcommands_action._name_parser_map.values(): subparser.parser_mode = parser_mode @property def dump_header(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Header to include as comment when dumping a config object. :getter: Returns the current dump header. :setter: Sets the dump header. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is given. """ return self._dump_header @dump_header.setter def dump_header(self, dump_header: Optional[List[str]]): if not (dump_header is None or (isinstance(dump_header, list) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in dump_header))): raise ValueError('Expected dump_header to be None or a list of strings.') self._dump_header = dump_header
from .deprecated import instantiate_subclasses_patch, parse_as_dict_patch instantiate_subclasses_patch() if 'SPHINX_BUILD' not in os.environ: parse_as_dict_patch()