Source code for jsonargparse.link_arguments

"""Code related to argument linking."""

import inspect
import re
from argparse import Action, SUPPRESS
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from .actions import _ActionConfigLoad, _ActionSubCommands, ActionConfigFile, filter_default_actions, _find_parent_action
from .namespace import Namespace, split_key_leaf
from .type_checking import ArgumentParser, _ArgumentGroup

__all__ = ['ArgumentLinking']

def find_parent_or_child_actions(
    parser: 'ArgumentParser',
    key: str,
    exclude: Optional[Union[Type[Action], Tuple[Type[Action], ...]]] = None,
) -> Optional[List[Action]]:
    found: List[Action] = []
    action = _find_parent_action(parser, key, exclude=exclude)
    if action is not None:
        found = [action]
        actions = filter_default_actions(parser._actions)
        if exclude is not None:
            actions = [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, exclude)]
        prefix = key + '.'
        found = [a for a in actions if a.dest.startswith(prefix)]
    return None if found == [] else found

def find_subclass_action_or_class_group(
    parser: 'ArgumentParser',
    key: str,
    exclude: Optional[Union[Type[Action], Tuple[Type[Action], ...]]] = None,
) -> Optional[Union[Action, '_ArgumentGroup']]:
    from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
    action = _find_parent_action(parser, key, exclude=exclude)
    if ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(action):
        return action
    key_set = {key, split_key_leaf(key)[0]}
    for group in parser._action_groups:
        if getattr(group, 'dest', None) in key_set and hasattr(group, 'instantiate_class'):
            return group
    return None

class DirectedGraph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = []
        self.edges_dict = defaultdict(list)

    def add_edge(self, source, target):
        for node in [source, target]:
            if node not in self.nodes:

    def get_topological_order(self):
        exploring = [False]*len(self.nodes)
        visited = [False]*len(self.nodes)
        order = []
        for source in range(len(self.nodes)):
            if not visited[source]:
                self.topological_sort(source, exploring, visited, order)
        return [self.nodes[n] for n in order]

    def topological_sort(self, source, exploring, visited, order):
        exploring[source] = True
        for target in self.edges_dict[source]:
            if exploring[target]:
                raise ValueError(f'Graph has cycles, found while checking {self.nodes[source]} --> '+self.nodes[target])
            elif not visited[target]:
                self.topological_sort(target, exploring, visited, order)
        visited[source] = True
        exploring[source] = False
        order.insert(0, source)

class ActionLink(Action):

    def __init__(
        source: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
        target: str,
        compute_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
        apply_on: str = 'parse',
        self.parser = parser

        # Set and check apply_on
        self.apply_on = apply_on
        if apply_on not in {'parse', 'instantiate'}:
            raise ValueError("apply_on must be 'parse' or 'instantiate'.")

        # Set and check compute function
        self.compute_fn = compute_fn
        if compute_fn is None and not isinstance(source, str):
            raise ValueError('Multiple source keys requires a compute function.')

        # Set and check source actions or group
        exclude = (ActionLink, _ActionConfigLoad, _ActionSubCommands, ActionConfigFile)
        source = (source,) if isinstance(source, str) else source
        if apply_on == 'instantiate':
            if len(source) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation only supported for a single source.')
            self.source = [(source[0], find_subclass_action_or_class_group(parser, source[0], exclude=exclude))]
            if self.source[0][1] is None:
                raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation require source to be a subclass action or a class group.')
            if '.' in self.source[0][1].dest:  # type: ignore
                raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation only supported for first level objects.')
            if source[0] == self.source[0][1].dest and compute_fn is None:
                raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation with object as source requires a compute function.')
            self.source = [(s, find_parent_or_child_actions(parser, s, exclude=exclude)) for s in source]  # type: ignore

        # Set and check target action = (target, _find_parent_action(parser, target, exclude=exclude))
        for key, action in self.source + []:
            if action is None:
                raise ValueError(f'No action for key "{key}".')
        assert[1] is not None

        from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
        is_target_subclass = ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint([1])
        valid_target_init_arg = is_target_subclass and target.startswith([1].dest+'.init_args.')
        valid_target_leaf =[1].dest == target
        if not (valid_target_leaf or valid_target_init_arg):
            raise ValueError(f'Target key "{target}" must be for an individual argument.')

        # Replace target action with link action
        if not is_target_subclass or valid_target_leaf:
            for key in[1].option_strings:
                parser._option_string_actions[key] = self
            parser._actions[parser._actions.index([1])] = self
            for group in parser._action_groups:
                if[1] in group._group_actions:
                    if is_target_subclass:
                        help_dest =[1].dest+'.help'
                        group._group_actions.remove(next(a for a in group._group_actions if a.dest == help_dest))

        # Remove target from required
        if target in parser.required_args:
        if is_target_subclass and not valid_target_leaf:
            sub_add_kwargs = getattr([1], 'sub_add_kwargs', {})
            if 'linked_targets' not in sub_add_kwargs:
                sub_add_kwargs['linked_targets'] = set()
            subtarget = target.split('.init_args.', 1)[1]

        # Add link action to group to show in help
        if not hasattr(parser, '_links_group'):
            parser._links_group = parser.add_argument_group('Linked arguments')

        # Check instantiation link does not create cycle
        if apply_on == 'instantiate':
            except ValueError as ex:
                raise ValueError(f'Invalid link {source[0]} --> {target}: {ex}') from ex

        # Initialize link action
        if compute_fn is None:
            link_str = source[0]
            link_str = getattr(compute_fn, '__name__', str(compute_fn))+'('+', '.join(source)+')'
        link_str += ' --> ' + target

        help_str: Optional[str]
        if is_target_subclass:
            type_attr = None
            help_str = f'Use --{[1].dest}.help CLASS_PATH for details.'
            type_attr = getattr([1], '_typehint',[1].type)
            help_str =[1].help

            metavar=f'[applied on {self.apply_on}]',

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        source = ', '.join(s[0] for s in self.source)
        raise TypeError(f'Linked "{[0]}" must be given via "{source}".')

    def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None):
        return self.parser._check_value_key([1], value,[0], cfg)

    def apply_parsing_links(parser: 'ArgumentParser', cfg: Namespace) -> None:
        subcommand, subparser = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommand(parser, cfg, fail_no_subcommand=False)
        if subcommand:
            ActionLink.apply_parsing_links(subparser, cfg[subcommand])  # type: ignore
        if not hasattr(parser, '_links_group'):
        for action in parser._links_group._group_actions:  # type: ignore
            if action.apply_on != 'parse':
            from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
                args = []
                for source_key, source_action in action.source:
                    if ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(source_action[0]) and source_key not in cfg:
                        parser.logger.debug(f'Link {action.option_strings[0]} ignored since source {source_action[0]._typehint} does not have that parameter.')
            except KeyError:
            if action.compute_fn is None:
                value = args[0]
                # Automatic namespace to dict based on link target type hint
                target_key, target_action =
                if isinstance(value, Namespace) and isinstance(target_action, ActionTypeHint):
                    same_key = target_key == target_action.dest
                    if (same_key and target_action.is_mapping_typehint(target_action._typehint)) or \
                       target_action.is_init_arg_mapping_typehint(target_key, cfg):
                        value = value.as_dict()
                # Automatic namespace to dict based on compute_fn param type hint
                params = list(inspect.signature(action.compute_fn).parameters.values())
                for n, param in enumerate(params):
                    if n < len(args) and isinstance(args[n], Namespace) and ActionTypeHint.is_mapping_typehint(param.annotation):
                        args[n] = args[n].as_dict()
                # Compute value
                value = action.compute_fn(*args)
            ActionLink.set_target_value(action, value, cfg, parser.logger)

    def apply_instantiation_links(parser, cfg, source):
        if not hasattr(parser, '_links_group'):
        for action in parser._links_group._group_actions:
            source_key, source_action = action.source[0]
            if action.apply_on != 'instantiate' or source != source_action.dest:
            source_object = cfg[source]
            if source_key == source_action.dest:
                value = action.compute_fn(source_object)
                attr = split_key_leaf(source_key)[1]
                from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
                if ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(source_action) and not hasattr(source_object, attr):
                    parser.logger.debug(f'Link {action.option_strings[0]} ignored since source {source_action._typehint} does not have that parameter.')
                value = getattr(source_object, attr)
                if action.compute_fn is not None:
                    value = action.compute_fn(value)
            ActionLink.set_target_value(action, value, cfg, parser.logger)

    def set_target_value(action: 'ActionLink', value: Any, cfg: Namespace, logger) -> None:
        target_key, target_action =
        from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
        if ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint(target_action):
            if target_key == target_action.dest:  # type: ignore
                target_action._check_type(value)  # type: ignore
            elif target_key not in cfg:
                logger.debug(f'Link {action.option_strings[0]} ignored since target {target_action._typehint} does not have that parameter.')  # type: ignore
        cfg[target_key] = value

    def instantiation_order(parser):
        if hasattr(parser, '_links_group'):
            actions = [a for a in parser._links_group._group_actions if a.apply_on == 'instantiate']
            if len(actions) > 0:
                graph = DirectedGraph()
                for action in actions:
                    source = action.source[0][1].dest
                    target = re.sub(r'\.init_args$', '', split_key_leaf([0])[0])
                    graph.add_edge(source, target)
                return graph.get_topological_order()
        return []

    def reorder(order, components):
        ordered = []
        for key in order:
            after = []
            for component in components:
                if key == component.dest or component.dest.startswith(key+'.'):
            components = after
        return ordered + components

    def strip_link_target_keys(parser, cfg):
        def del_taget_key(target_key):
            cfg.pop(target_key, None)
            parent_key, _ = split_key_leaf(target_key)
            if '.' in target_key and parent_key in cfg and not cfg[parent_key]:
                del cfg[parent_key]

        for action in [a for a in parser._actions if isinstance(a, ActionLink)]:
        from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
        for action in [a for a in parser._actions if isinstance(a, ActionTypeHint) and hasattr(a, 'sub_add_kwargs')]:
            for key in action.sub_add_kwargs.get('linked_targets', []):

        with _ActionSubCommands.not_single_subcommand():
            subcommands, subparsers = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommands(parser, cfg)
        if subcommands is not None:
            for num, subcommand in enumerate(subcommands):
                if subcommand in cfg:
                    ActionLink.strip_link_target_keys(subparsers[num], cfg[subcommand])

[docs]class ArgumentLinking: """Method for linking arguments."""