Source code for jsonargparse.namespace

"""Classes and functions related to namespace objects."""

from argparse import Namespace as ArgparseNamespace
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, overload, Tuple, Union

__all__ = [

meta_keys = {'__default_config__', '__path__', '__orig__'}

def split_key(key: str) -> List[str]:
    return key.split('.')

def split_key_root(key: str) -> List[str]:
    return key.split('.', 1)

def split_key_leaf(key: str) -> List[str]:
    return key.rsplit('.', 1)

def is_meta_key(key: Union[str, int]) -> bool:
    if not isinstance(key, str):
        return False
    leaf_key = split_key_leaf(key)[-1]
    return leaf_key in meta_keys

def strip_meta(cfg: 'Namespace') -> 'Namespace': ...
def strip_meta(cfg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: ...

[docs]def strip_meta(cfg): """Removes all metadata keys from a configuration object. Args: cfg: The configuration object to strip. Returns: A deepcopy of the configuration object excluding all metadata keys. """ cfg = deepcopy(cfg) del_keys = [] for key in cfg.keys(): if is_meta_key(key): del_keys.append(key) elif isinstance(cfg[key], dict): dic = cfg[key] for dic_key in [k for k in dic.keys() if is_meta_key(k)]: del dic[dic_key] for key in del_keys: del cfg[key] return cfg
[docs]def namespace_to_dict(namespace: 'Namespace') -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a deepcopy of a nested namespace converted into a nested dictionary.""" return namespace.clone().as_dict()
[docs]def dict_to_namespace(cfg_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Namespace': """Converts a nested dictionary into a nested namespace.""" cfg_dict = deepcopy(cfg_dict) def expand_dict(cfg): for k, v in cfg.items(): if isinstance(v, dict) and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in v.keys()): cfg[k] = expand_dict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): for nn, vv in enumerate(v): if isinstance(vv, dict) and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in vv.keys()): cfg[k][nn] = expand_dict(vv) return Namespace(**cfg) return expand_dict(cfg_dict)
[docs]class Namespace(ArgparseNamespace): """Extension of argparse's Namespace to support nesting and subscript access."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: super().__init__(**kwargs) else: if len(kwargs) != 0 or len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], (ArgparseNamespace, dict)): raise ValueError('Expected a single positional parameter of type Namespace or dict.') for key, val in (args[0].items() if type(args[0]) is dict else vars(args[0]).items()): self[key] = val
def _parse_key(self, key: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional['Namespace'], str]: """Parses a key for the nested namespace. Args: key: The key that is being parsed. Returns: Tuple with three elements corresponding to: - The leaf key. - The parent namespace object. - The parent namespace key. Raises: KeyError: When given invalid key. """ if ' ' in key: raise KeyError(f'Spaces not allowed in keys: "{key}".') key_split = split_key(key) if any(k == '' for k in key_split): raise KeyError(f'Empty nested key: "{key}".') leaf_key = key_split[-1] parent_ns: Namespace = self parent_key = '' if len(key_split) > 1: parent_key = '.'.join(key_split[:-1]) for subkey in key_split[:-1]: if hasattr(parent_ns, subkey) or (isinstance(parent_ns, dict) and subkey in parent_ns): parent_ns = parent_ns[subkey] if parent_ns is not None and not isinstance(parent_ns, (Namespace, dict)): return leaf_key, None, parent_key else: return leaf_key, None, parent_key return leaf_key, parent_ns, parent_key def _parse_required_key(self, key: str) -> Tuple[str, 'Namespace', str]: """Same as _parse_key but raises KeyError if key not found.""" leaf_key, parent_ns, parent_key = self._parse_key(key) if parent_ns is None or not hasattr(parent_ns, leaf_key): raise KeyError(f'Key "{key}" not found in namespace.') return leaf_key, parent_ns, parent_key def _create_nested_namespace(self, key: str) -> 'Namespace': """Creates a nested namespace object. Args: key: The key where the nested namespace is created. Returns: The created nested namespace. """ parent_ns = self for key in split_key(key): if not isinstance(getattr(parent_ns, key, None), Namespace): setattr(parent_ns, key, Namespace()) parent_ns = getattr(parent_ns, key) return parent_ns def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Sets an attribute to a possibly nested namespace.""" if '.' in name: self.__setitem__(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __setitem__(self, key: str, item: Any) -> None: """Sets an item to a possibly nested namespace.""" leaf_key, parent_ns, parent_key = self._parse_key(key) if parent_ns is None: parent_ns = self._create_nested_namespace(parent_key) if isinstance(parent_ns, dict): parent_ns[leaf_key] = item else: setattr(parent_ns, leaf_key, item) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: """Gets an item from a possibly nested namespace.""" leaf_key, parent_ns, _ = self._parse_required_key(key) return getattr(parent_ns, leaf_key) def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """Deletes an item from a possibly nested namespace.""" leaf_key, parent_ns, _ = self._parse_key(key) del parent_ns.__dict__[leaf_key] def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: """Checks if an item is set possibly in a nested namespace.""" if not isinstance(key, str): return False try: leaf_key, parent_ns, _ = self._parse_required_key(key) except KeyError: return False return leaf_key in parent_ns.__dict__ def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Returns False if namespace is empty, otherwise True.""" return bool(self.__dict__)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Converts the nested namespaces into nested dictionaries.""" dic = {} for key, val in vars(self).items(): if isinstance(val, Namespace): val = val.as_dict() elif isinstance(val, dict) and val != {} and all(isinstance(v, Namespace) for v in val.values()): val = {k: v.as_dict() for k, v in val.items()} elif isinstance(val, list) and val != [] and all(isinstance(v, Namespace) for v in val): val = [v.as_dict() for v in val] dic[key] = val return dic
[docs] def as_flat(self) -> ArgparseNamespace: """Converts the nested namespaces into a single argparse flat namespace.""" flat = ArgparseNamespace() for key, val in self.items(): setattr(flat, key, val) return flat
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]: """Returns a generator of all nested (key, value) items.""" for key, val in vars(self).items(): if isinstance(val, Namespace): for subkey, subval in val.items(): yield key+'.'+subkey, subval else: yield key, val
[docs] def keys(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Returns a generator of all nested keys.""" for key, _ in self.items(): yield key
[docs] def values(self) -> Iterator[Any]: """Returns a generator of all nested values.""" for _, val in self.items(): yield val
[docs] def get_sorted_keys(self, branches: bool = True, key_filter: Callable = is_meta_key) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of keys sorted by descending depth. Args: branches: Whether to include branch keys instead of only leaves. key_filter: Function that selects keys to exclude. """ keys = [k for k in self.keys() if not key_filter(k)] if branches: for key in [k for k in keys if '.' in k]: key_split = split_key(key) for num in range(len(key_split)-1): parent_key = '.'.join(key_split[:num+1]) if parent_key not in keys: keys.append(parent_key) keys.sort(key=lambda x: -len(split_key(x))) return keys
[docs] def clone(self) -> 'Namespace': """Creates an new identical nested namespace.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def update(self, value: Union['Namespace', Any], key: Optional[str] = None, only_unset: bool = False) -> 'Namespace': """Sets or replaces all items from the given nested namespace. Args: value: A namespace to update multiple values or other type to set in a single key. key: Branch key where to set the value. Required if value is not namespace. only_unset: Whether to only set the value if not set in namespace. """ if not isinstance(value, Namespace): if not key: raise KeyError('Key is required if value not a Namespace.') if not only_unset or key not in self: self[key] = value else: prefix = key+'.' if key else '' for key, val in value.items(): if not only_unset or prefix+key not in self: self[prefix+key] = val return self
def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: try: return self[key] except (KeyError, TypeError): return default def get_value_and_parent(self, key: str) -> Tuple[Any, 'Namespace', str]: leaf_key, parent_ns, _ = self._parse_required_key(key) return parent_ns[leaf_key], parent_ns, leaf_key def pop(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: leaf_key, parent_ns, _ = self._parse_key(key) if not parent_ns: return default return parent_ns.__dict__.pop(leaf_key, default)
# Temporal to provide backward compatibility in pytorch-lightning import yaml yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Namespace, lambda d, x: d.represent_mapping(',2002:map', x.as_dict()))