Source code for jsonargparse.jsonschema

"""Action to support jsonschemas."""

import json
import os
from argparse import Action
from typing import Dict, Union

from .actions import _is_action_value_list
from .loaders_dumpers import get_loader_exceptions, load_value, load_value_context
from .namespace import strip_meta
from .optionals import (
from .util import _parse_value_or_config

__all__ = ['ActionJsonSchema']

[docs]class ActionJsonSchema(Action): """Action to parse option as json validated by a jsonschema."""
[docs] def __init__( self, schema: Union[str, Dict] = None, enable_path: bool = True, with_meta: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Initializer for ActionJsonSchema instance. Args: schema: Schema to validate values against. enable_path: Whether to try to load json from path (def.=True). with_meta: Whether to include metadata (def.=True). Raises: ValueError: If a parameter is invalid. jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError: If the schema is invalid. """ if schema is not None: if isinstance(schema, str): with load_value_context('yaml'): try: schema = load_value(schema) except get_loader_exceptions() as ex: raise ValueError(f'Problems parsing schema :: {ex}') from ex jsonvalidator = import_jsonschema('ActionJsonSchema')[1] jsonvalidator.check_schema(schema) self._validator = self._extend_jsonvalidator_with_default(jsonvalidator)(schema) self._enable_path = enable_path self._with_meta = with_meta elif '_validator' not in kwargs: raise ValueError('Expected schema keyword argument.') else: self._validator = kwargs.pop('_validator') self._enable_path = kwargs.pop('_enable_path') self._with_meta = kwargs.pop('_with_meta') super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Parses an argument validating against the corresponding jsonschema. Raises: TypeError: If the argument is not valid. """ if len(args) == 0: kwargs['_validator'] = self._validator kwargs['_enable_path'] = self._enable_path kwargs['_with_meta'] = self._with_meta if 'help' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['help'], str) and '%s' in kwargs['help']: kwargs['help'] = kwargs['help'] % json.dumps(self._validator.schema, sort_keys=True) return ActionJsonSchema(**kwargs) val = self._check_type(args[2]) if not self._with_meta: val = strip_meta(val) setattr(args[1], self.dest, val)
def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None): islist = _is_action_value_list(self) if not islist: value = [value] for num, val in enumerate(value): try: val, fpath = _parse_value_or_config(val, enable_path=self._enable_path) path_meta = val.pop('__path__') if isinstance(val, dict) and '__path__' in val else None self._validator.validate(val) if path_meta is not None: val['__path__'] = path_meta if isinstance(val, dict) and fpath is not None: val['__path__'] = fpath value[num] = val except (TypeError, ValueError) + get_jsonschema_exceptions() + get_loader_exceptions() as ex: elem = '' if not islist else ' element '+str(num+1) raise TypeError(f'Parser key "{self.dest}"{elem}: {ex}') from ex return value if islist else value[0] @staticmethod def _extend_jsonvalidator_with_default(validator_class): """Extends a json schema validator so that it fills in default values.""" validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS['properties'] def set_defaults(validator, properties, instance, schema): for prop, subschema in properties.items(): if 'default' in subschema: instance.setdefault(prop, subschema['default']) for error in validate_properties(validator, properties, instance, schema): yield error jsonschema = import_jsonschema('ActionJsonSchema')[0] return jsonschema.validators.extend(validator_class, {'properties': set_defaults})
[docs] def completer(self, prefix, **kwargs): """Used by argcomplete, validates value and shows expected type.""" if chr(int(os.environ['COMP_TYPE'])) == '?': try: if prefix.strip() == '': raise ValueError() self._validator.validate(load_value(prefix)) msg = 'value already valid, ' except (ValueError,) + get_jsonschema_exceptions() + get_loader_exceptions(): msg = 'value not yet valid, ' else: schema = json.dumps(self._validator.schema, indent=2, sort_keys=True).replace('\n', '\n ') msg += f'required to be valid according to schema:\n {schema}\n' return argcomplete_warn_redraw_prompt(prefix, msg)