Source code for jsonargparse.jsonnet

"""Actions to support jsonnet."""

import json
import yaml
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Tuple, Any
from argparse import Action, Namespace

from .actions import _is_action_value_list
from .jsonschema import ActionJsonSchema
from .optionals import (
from .util import (

__all__ = [

[docs]class ActionJsonnetExtVars(ActionJsonSchema): """Action to add argument to provide ext_vars for jsonnet parsing."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializer for ActionJsonnetExtVars instance.""" super().__init__(schema={'type': 'object'}, with_meta=False)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0 and 'default' not in kwargs: kwargs['default'] = {} return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ActionJsonnet(Action): """Action to parse a jsonnet, optionally validating against a jsonschema."""
[docs] def __init__( self, ext_vars: str = None, schema: Union[str, Dict] = None, **kwargs ): """Initializer for ActionJsonnet instance. Args: ext_vars: Key where to find the external variables required to parse the jsonnet. schema: Schema to validate values against. Raises: ValueError: If a parameter is invalid. jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError: If the schema is invalid. """ if '_validator' not in kwargs: import_jsonnet('ActionJsonnet') if not isinstance(ext_vars, (str, type(None))): raise ValueError('ext_vars has to be either None or a string.') self._ext_vars = ext_vars if schema is not None: jsonvalidator = import_jsonschema('ActionJsonnet')[1] if isinstance(schema, str): try: schema = yaml.safe_load(schema) except (yamlParserError, yamlScannerError) as ex: raise ValueError('Problems parsing schema :: '+str(ex)) from ex jsonvalidator.check_schema(schema) self._validator = ActionJsonSchema._extend_jsonvalidator_with_default(jsonvalidator)(schema) else: self._validator = None else: self._ext_vars = kwargs.pop('_ext_vars') self._validator = kwargs.pop('_validator') super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Parses an argument as jsonnet using ext_vars if defined. Raises: TypeError: If the argument is not valid. """ if len(args) == 0: kwargs['_ext_vars'] = self._ext_vars kwargs['_validator'] = self._validator if 'help' in kwargs and '%s' in kwargs['help'] and self._validator is not None: kwargs['help'] = kwargs['help'] % json.dumps(self._validator.schema, sort_keys=True) return ActionJsonnet(**kwargs) setattr(args[1], self.dest, self._check_type(args[2], cfg=args[1]))
def _check_type(self, value, cfg): islist = _is_action_value_list(self) ext_vars = {} if self._ext_vars is not None: try: ext_vars = _get_key_value(cfg, self._ext_vars) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass if not islist: value = [value] for num, val in enumerate(value): try: if isinstance(val, str): val = self.parse(val, ext_vars=ext_vars, with_meta=True) elif self._validator is not None: self._validator.validate(val) value[num] = val except (TypeError, RuntimeError, yamlParserError, yamlScannerError, jsonschemaValidationError) as ex: elem = '' if not islist else ' element '+str(num+1) raise TypeError('Parser key "'+self.dest+'"'+elem+': '+str(ex)) from ex return value if islist else value[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def split_ext_vars( ext_vars: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: """Splits an ext_vars dict into the ext_codes and ext_vars required by jsonnet. Args: ext_vars: External variables. Values can be strings or any other basic type. """ if ext_vars is None: ext_vars = {} elif isinstance(ext_vars, Namespace): ext_vars = namespace_to_dict(ext_vars) ext_codes = {k: json.dumps(v) for k, v in ext_vars.items() if not isinstance(v, str)} ext_vars = {k: v for k, v in ext_vars.items() if isinstance(v, str)} return ext_vars, ext_codes
[docs] def parse( self, jsonnet: Union[str, Path], ext_vars: Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace] = None, with_meta: bool = False, ) -> Namespace: """Method that can be used to parse jsonnet independent from an ArgumentParser. Args: jsonnet: Either a path to a jsonnet file or the jsonnet content. ext_vars: External variables. Values can be strings or any other basic type. with_meta: Whether to include metadata in config object. Returns: The parsed jsonnet object. Raises: TypeError: If the input is neither a path to an existent file nor a jsonnet. """ _jsonnet = import_jsonnet('ActionJsonnet') ext_vars, ext_codes = self.split_ext_vars(ext_vars) fpath = None fname = 'snippet' snippet = jsonnet try: fpath = Path(jsonnet, mode=get_config_read_mode()) except TypeError: pass else: fname = jsonnet(absolute=False) if isinstance(jsonnet, Path) else jsonnet snippet = fpath.get_content() try: values = yaml.safe_load(_jsonnet.evaluate_snippet(fname, snippet, ext_vars=ext_vars, ext_codes=ext_codes)) except RuntimeError as ex: raise ParserError('Problems evaluating jsonnet "'+fname+'" :: '+str(ex)) from ex if self._validator is not None: self._validator.validate(values) if with_meta and isinstance(values, dict) and fpath is not None: values['__path__'] = fpath return dict_to_namespace(values)