Source code for jsonargparse.formatters

"""Formatter classes."""

from enum import Enum
from argparse import HelpFormatter, OPTIONAL, SUPPRESS, ZERO_OR_MORE

from .util import _get_env_var
from .typing import type_to_str
from .actions import ActionParser, ActionEnum, ActionYesNo, ActionConfigFile
from .jsonschema import ActionJsonSchema

__all__ = ['DefaultHelpFormatter']

[docs]class DefaultHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter): """Help message formatter that includes types, default values and env var names. This class is an extension of `argparse.HelpFormatter <>`_. Default values are always included. Furthermore, if the parser is configured with :code:`default_env=True` command line options are preceded by 'ARG:' and the respective environment variable name is included preceded by 'ENV:'. """ _env_prefix = None _default_env = True def _get_help_string(self, action): if isinstance(action, ActionConfigFile): return help_str = '' if hasattr(action, '_required') and action._required: help_str = 'required' if '%(type)' not in and self._get_type_str(action) is not None: help_str += (', ' if help_str else '') + 'type: %(type)s' if '%(default)' not in and action.default is not SUPPRESS and \ (action.option_strings or action.nargs in {OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE}): help_str += (', ' if help_str else '') + 'default: %(default)s' return + (' ('+help_str+')' if help_str else '') def _format_action_invocation(self, action): if action.option_strings == [] or action.default == SUPPRESS or not self._default_env: return super()._format_action_invocation(action) extr = '' if self._default_env: extr += '\n ENV: ' + _get_env_var(self, action) if isinstance(action, ActionParser): extr += '\n For more details run command with --'+action.dest+'.help.' return 'ARG: ' + super()._format_action_invocation(action) + extr def _get_default_metavar_for_optional(self, action): return action.dest.rsplit('.')[-1].upper() def _expand_help(self, action): params = dict(vars(action), prog=self._prog) for name in list(params): if params[name] is SUPPRESS: del params[name] for name in list(params): if hasattr(params[name], '__name__'): params[name] = params[name].__name__ if params.get('choices') is not None: choices_str = ', '.join([str(c) for c in params['choices']]) params['choices'] = choices_str type_str = self._get_type_str(action) if type_str is not None: params['type'] = type_str if 'default' in params: if params['default'] is None: params['default'] = 'null' elif isinstance(params['default'], Enum) and hasattr(params['default'], 'name'): params['default'] = return self._get_help_string(action) % params def _get_type_str(self, action): type_str = None if isinstance(action, ActionYesNo): type_str = 'bool' elif action.type is not None: type_str = type_to_str(action.type) elif isinstance(action, ActionEnum): type_str = type_to_str(action._enum) elif isinstance(action, ActionJsonSchema): type_str = type_to_str(action._annotation) return type_str