Source code for jsonargparse.actions

"""Collection of useful actions to define arguments."""

import os
import re
import sys
import yaml
import argparse
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Type, Union
from argparse import Namespace, Action, SUPPRESS, _HelpAction, _SubParsersAction

from .optionals import FilesCompleterMethod, get_config_read_mode
from .typing import path_type
from .util import (

__all__ = [

def _find_action(parser, dest:str, within_subcommands:bool=False, exclude=None):
    """Finds an action in a parser given its dest.

        parser (ArgumentParser): A parser where to search.
        dest: The dest string to search with.

        Action or None: The action if found, otherwise None.
    actions = filter_default_actions(parser._actions)
    if exclude is not None:
        actions = [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, exclude)]
    for action in actions:
        if action.dest == dest:
            return action
        elif isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands):
            if dest in action._name_parser_map:
                return action
            elif within_subcommands and dest.split('.', 1)[0] in action._name_parser_map:
                subcommand, subdest = dest.split('.', 1)
                subparser = action._name_parser_map[subcommand]
                subaction = _find_action(subparser, subdest, True, exclude=exclude)
                if isinstance(subaction, tuple):
                    subaction, subsubcommand = subaction
                    subcommand += '.'+subsubcommand
                return None if subaction is None else (subaction, subcommand)
    return None

def _find_parent_action(parser, key:str, within_subcommands:bool=False, exclude=None):
    action = _find_action(parser, key, within_subcommands=within_subcommands, exclude=exclude)
    if action is None and '.' in key:
        parts = key.split('.')
        for n in reversed(range(len(parts)-1)):
            action = _find_action(parser, '.'.join(parts[:n+1]), within_subcommands=within_subcommands, exclude=exclude)
            if action is not None:
    return action

def _find_parent_actions(parser, key:str, exclude=None):
    action = _find_parent_action(parser, key, exclude=exclude)
    if action is None:
        actions = filter_default_actions(parser._actions)
        if exclude is not None:
            actions = [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, exclude)]
        parts = key.split('.')
        for n in reversed(range(len(parts))):
            prefix = '.'.join(parts[:n+1])+'.'
            action = [a for a in actions if a.dest.startswith(prefix)]
            if action != []:
    return None if action == [] else action

def _find_subclass_action_or_class_group(parser, key:str, exclude=None):
    from .typehints import ActionTypeHint
    action = _find_parent_action(parser, key, exclude=exclude)
    if ActionTypeHint.is_class_typehint(action):
        return action
    key_set = {key, key.rsplit('.', 1)[0]}
    for group in parser._action_groups:
        if getattr(group, 'dest', None) in key_set and hasattr(group, 'instantiate_class'):
            return group

def _is_action_value_list(action:Action):
    """Checks whether an action produces a list value.

        action: An argparse action to check.

        bool: True if produces list otherwise False.
    if action.nargs in {'*', '+'} or (isinstance(action.nargs, int) and action.nargs != 0):
        return True
    return False

def _remove_actions(parser, types):

    def remove(actions):
        rm_actions = [a for a in actions if isinstance(a, types)]
        for action in rm_actions:


def filter_default_actions(actions):
    default = (_HelpAction, _ActionHelpClass, _ActionPrintConfig)
    if isinstance(actions, list):
        return [a for a in actions if not isinstance(a, default)]
    return {k: a for k, a in actions.items() if not isinstance(a, default)}

[docs]class ActionConfigFile(Action, FilesCompleterMethod): """Action to indicate that an argument is a configuration file or a configuration string."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializer for ActionConfigFile instance.""" if 'default' in kwargs: raise ValueError('default not allowed for ActionConfigFile, use default_config_files.') opt_name = kwargs['option_strings'] opt_name = opt_name[0] if len(opt_name) == 1 else [x for x in opt_name if x[0:2] == '--'][0] if '.' in opt_name: raise ValueError('ActionConfigFile must be a top level option.') if 'help' not in kwargs: kwargs['help'] = 'Path to a configuration file.' super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): """Parses the given configuration and adds all the corresponding keys to the namespace. Raises: TypeError: If there are problems parsing the configuration. """ self._apply_config(parser, namespace, self.dest, values)
@staticmethod def _apply_config(parser, namespace, dest, value): if not hasattr(namespace, dest) or not isinstance(getattr(namespace, dest), list): setattr(namespace, dest, []) kwargs = {'env': False, 'defaults': False, '_skip_check': True, '_fail_no_subcommand': False} try: cfg_path = Path(value, mode=get_config_read_mode()) except TypeError as ex_path: try: if isinstance(yaml.safe_load(value), str): raise ex_path cfg_path = None cfg_file = parser.parse_string(value, **kwargs) except (TypeError, yamlParserError, yamlScannerError) as ex_str: raise TypeError('Parser key "'+dest+'": '+str(ex_str)) from ex_str else: cfg_file = parser.parse_path(value, **kwargs) cfg_file = _dict_to_flat_namespace(namespace_to_dict(cfg_file)) getattr(namespace, dest).append(cfg_path) for key, val in vars(cfg_file).items(): setattr(namespace, key, val)
class _ActionPrintConfig(Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest=SUPPRESS, default=SUPPRESS): super().__init__(option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=1, metavar='[={comments,skip_null}+]', help='Print configuration and exit.') def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): kwargs = {'subparser': parser, 'key': None, 'skip_none': False, 'skip_check': True} valid_flags = {'': None, 'comments': 'yaml_comments', 'skip_null': 'skip_none'} if value is not None: flags = value[0].split(',') invalid_flags = [f for f in flags if f not in valid_flags] if len(invalid_flags) > 0: raise ParserError('Invalid option "'+str(invalid_flags[0])+'" for '+option_string) for flag in [f for f in flags if f != '']: kwargs[valid_flags[flag]] = True while hasattr(parser, 'parent_parser'): kwargs['key'] = parser.subcommand if kwargs['key'] is None else parser.subcommand+'.'+kwargs['key'] parser = parser.parent_parser parser.print_config = kwargs @staticmethod def print_config_if_requested(parser, cfg): if hasattr(parser, 'print_config') and not hasattr(parser, 'print_config_skip'): key = parser.print_config.pop('key') subparser = parser.print_config.pop('subparser') if key is not None: cfg = _get_key_value(cfg, key) sys.stdout.write(subparser.dump(cfg, **parser.print_config)) delattr(parser, 'print_config') parser.exit() class _ActionConfigLoad(Action): def __init__( self, basetype: Type = None, **kwargs ): if len(kwargs) == 0: self._basetype = basetype else: self.basetype = kwargs.pop('_basetype', None) kwargs['help'] = SUPPRESS kwargs['default'] = SUPPRESS super().__init__(**kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: kwargs['_basetype'] = self._basetype return _ActionConfigLoad(**kwargs) parser, namespace, value = args[:3] cfg_file = self._load_config(value) cfg_file = {self.dest+'.'+k: v for k, v in vars(cfg_file).items()} with change_to_path_dir(cfg_file.get(self.dest+'.__path__')): parser._apply_actions(cfg_file) for key, val in cfg_file.items(): setattr(namespace, key, val) def _load_config(self, value): try: cfg = _load_config(value) if isinstance(cfg, tuple): raise TypeError('Parser key "'+self.dest+'": Unable to load config "'+str(value)+'"') return cfg except (TypeError, yamlParserError, yamlScannerError) as ex: str_ex = indent_text(str(ex)) raise TypeError('Parser key "'+self.dest+'": Unable to load config "'+str(value)+'"\n- '+str_ex) from ex def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None): return self._load_config(value) def _instantiate_classes(self, value): return self.basetype(**value) class _ActionHelpClass(Action): def __init__(self, baseclass=None, **kwargs): if baseclass is not None: if getattr(baseclass, '__origin__', None) == Union: baseclasses = [c for c in baseclass.__args__ if c is not NoneType] if len(baseclasses) == 1: baseclass = baseclasses[0] self._baseclass = baseclass else: self._baseclass = kwargs.pop('_baseclass') self.update_init_kwargs(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_init_kwargs(self, kwargs): kwargs.update({ 'nargs': 0, 'default': SUPPRESS, 'help': 'Show the help for the class '+self._baseclass.__name__+' and exit.', }) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: kwargs['_baseclass'] = self._baseclass return type(self)(**kwargs) dest = re.sub('\\.help$', '', self.dest) self.print_help(args, self._baseclass, dest) def print_help(self, call_args, val_class, dest): tmp = import_object('jsonargparse.ArgumentParser')() tmp.add_class_arguments(val_class, dest) _remove_actions(tmp, (_HelpAction, _ActionHelpClass, _ActionPrintConfig)) tmp.print_help() call_args[0].exit() class _ActionHelpClassPath(_ActionHelpClass): def update_init_kwargs(self, kwargs): if getattr(self._baseclass, '__origin__', None) == Union: self._basename = '{'+', '.join(c.__name__ for c in self._baseclass.__args__)+'}' else: self._basename = self._baseclass.__name__ kwargs.update({ 'metavar': 'CLASS', 'default': SUPPRESS, 'help': 'Show the help for the given subclass of '+self._basename+' and exit.', }) def print_help(self, call_args, baseclass, dest): val_class = import_object(call_args[2]) if getattr(self._baseclass, '__origin__', None) == Union: baseclasses = self._baseclass.__args__ else: baseclasses = [baseclass] if not any(_issubclass(val_class, b) for b in baseclasses): raise TypeError('Class "'+call_args[2]+'" is not a subclass of '+self._basename) super().print_help(call_args, val_class, dest+'.init_args') class _ActionLink(Action): def __init__( self, parser, source: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], target: str, compute_fn: Callable = None, apply_on: str = 'parse', ): self.parser = parser # Set and check apply_on self.apply_on = apply_on if apply_on not in {'parse', 'instantiate'}: raise ValueError("apply_on must be 'parse' or 'instantiate'.") # Set and check compute function self.compute_fn = compute_fn if compute_fn is None and not isinstance(source, str): raise ValueError('Multiple source keys requires a compute function.') # Set and check source actions or group exclude = (_ActionLink, _ActionConfigLoad, _ActionSubCommands, ActionConfigFile) source = (source,) if isinstance(source, str) else source if apply_on == 'instantiate': if len(source) != 1: raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation only supported for a single source.') self.source = [(source[0], _find_subclass_action_or_class_group(parser, source[0], exclude=exclude))] if self.source[0][1] is None: raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation require source to be a subclass action or a class group.') if '.' in self.source[0][1].dest: raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation only supported for first level objects.') if source[0] == self.source[0][1].dest and compute_fn is None: raise ValueError('Links applied on instantiation with object as source requires a compute function.') else: self.source = [(s, _find_parent_actions(parser, s, exclude=exclude)) for s in source] # Set and check target action = (target, _find_parent_action(parser, target, exclude=exclude)) for key, action in self.source + []: if action is None: raise ValueError('No action for key "'+key+'".') from .typehints import ActionTypeHint is_target_subclass = ActionTypeHint.is_subclass_typehint([1]) valid_target_subclass = is_target_subclass and target.startswith([1].dest+'.init_args.') valid_target_leaf =[1].dest == target and not is_target_subclass if not (valid_target_leaf or valid_target_subclass): raise ValueError('Target key "'+target+'" must be for an individual argument.') # Replace target action with link action if not is_target_subclass: for key in[1].option_strings: parser._option_string_actions[key] = self parser._actions[parser._actions.index([1])] = self for group in parser._action_groups: if[1] in group._group_actions: group._group_actions.remove([1]) # Remove target from required if target in parser.required_args: parser.required_args.remove(target) if is_target_subclass: sub_add_kwargs = getattr([1], 'sub_add_kwargs') if 'linked_targets' not in sub_add_kwargs: sub_add_kwargs['linked_targets'] = set() subtarget = target.split('.init_args.', 1)[1] sub_add_kwargs['linked_targets'].add(subtarget) # Add link action to group to show in help if not hasattr(parser, '_links_group'): parser._links_group = parser.add_argument_group('Linked arguments') parser._links_group._group_actions.append(self) # Check instantiation link does not create cycle if apply_on == 'instantiate': try: self.instantiation_order(parser) except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError('Invalid link '+source[0]+' --> '+target+': '+str(ex)) from ex # Initialize link action link_str = target+' <-- ' if compute_fn is None: link_str += source[0] else: link_str += getattr(compute_fn, '__name__', str(compute_fn))+'('+', '.join(source)+')' if is_target_subclass: type_attr = None help_str = 'Use --'[1].dest+'.help CLASS_PATH for details.' else: type_attr = getattr([1], '_typehint',[1].type) help_str =[1].help super().__init__( [link_str], dest=target, default=SUPPRESS, metavar='[applied on '+self.apply_on+']', type=type_attr, help=help_str, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): source = ', '.join(s[0] for s in self.source) raise TypeError('Linked "'[0]+'" must be given via "'+source+'".') def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None): return self.parser._check_value_key([1], value,[0], cfg) @staticmethod def apply_parsing_links(parser, cfg_ns): if not hasattr(parser, '_links_group'): return for action in parser._links_group._group_actions: if action.apply_on != 'parse': continue try: args = [] for key, _ in action.source: arg = _get_key_value(cfg_ns, key) if isinstance(arg, Namespace): arg = namespace_to_dict(arg) args.append(arg) except AttributeError: continue if action.compute_fn is None: value = args[0] else: value = action.compute_fn(*args) _ActionLink.set_target_value(action, value, cfg_ns) @staticmethod def apply_instantiation_links(parser, cfg, source): if not hasattr(parser, '_links_group'): return for action in parser._links_group._group_actions: if action.apply_on != 'instantiate' or source != action.source[0][1].dest: continue source_object = _get_key_value(cfg, source) if action.source[0][0] == action.source[0][1].dest: value = action.compute_fn(source_object) else: attr = action.source[0][0].rsplit('.', 1)[1] value = getattr(source_object, attr) _ActionLink.set_target_value(action, value, cfg) @staticmethod def set_target_value(action, value, cfg): key =[0] parent = cfg while True: if '.' not in key: if isinstance(parent, Namespace): setattr(parent, key, value) else: parent[key] = value break parent_key, key = key.rsplit('.', 1) try: parent = _get_key_value(cfg, parent_key) except (AttributeError, KeyError): value = {key: value} if isinstance(parent, Namespace): value = dict_to_namespace(value) key = parent_key @staticmethod def instantiation_order(parser): if hasattr(parser, '_links_group'): actions = [a for a in parser._links_group._group_actions if a.apply_on == 'instantiate'] if len(actions) > 0: graph = DirectedGraph() for action in actions: source = action.source[0][1].dest target = re.sub(r'\.init_args$', '',[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0]) graph.add_edge(source, target) return graph.get_topological_order() return [] @staticmethod def reorder(order, components): ordered = [] for key in order: after = [] for component in components: if key == component.dest or component.dest.startswith(key+'.'): ordered.append(component) else: after.append(component) components = after return ordered + components
[docs]class ActionYesNo(Action): """Paired options --[yes_prefix]opt, --[no_prefix]opt to set True or False respectively."""
[docs] def __init__( self, yes_prefix: str = '', no_prefix: str = 'no_', **kwargs ): """Initializer for ActionYesNo instance. Args: yes_prefix: Prefix for yes option. no_prefix: Prefix for no option. Raises: ValueError: If a parameter is invalid. """ if len(kwargs) == 0: self._yes_prefix = yes_prefix self._no_prefix = no_prefix else: self._yes_prefix = kwargs.pop('_yes_prefix') if '_yes_prefix' in kwargs else '' self._no_prefix = kwargs.pop('_no_prefix') if '_no_prefix' in kwargs else 'no_' if len(kwargs['option_strings']) == 0: raise ValueError(type(self).__name__+' not intended for positional arguments ('+kwargs['dest']+').') opt_name = kwargs['option_strings'][0] if not opt_name.startswith('--'+self._yes_prefix): raise ValueError('Expected option string to start with "--'+self._yes_prefix+'".') if self._no_prefix is not None: kwargs['option_strings'] += [re.sub('^--'+self._yes_prefix, '--'+self._no_prefix, opt_name)] if self._no_prefix is None and 'nargs' in kwargs and kwargs['nargs'] != 1: raise ValueError('ActionYesNo with no_prefix=None only supports nargs=1.') if 'nargs' in kwargs and kwargs['nargs'] in {'?', 1}: kwargs['metavar'] = '{true,yes,false,no}' if kwargs['nargs'] == 1: kwargs['nargs'] = None else: kwargs['nargs'] = 0 kwargs['metavar'] = None if 'default' not in kwargs: kwargs['default'] = False kwargs['type'] = ActionYesNo._boolean_type super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Sets the corresponding key to True or False depending on the option string used.""" if len(args) == 0: kwargs['_yes_prefix'] = self._yes_prefix kwargs['_no_prefix'] = self._no_prefix return ActionYesNo(**kwargs) value = args[2] if isinstance(args[2], bool) else True if self._no_prefix is not None and args[3].startswith('--'+self._no_prefix): setattr(args[1], self.dest, not value) else: setattr(args[1], self.dest, value)
def _add_dest_prefix(self, prefix): self.dest = prefix+'.'+self.dest self.option_strings[0] = re.sub('^--'+self._yes_prefix, '--'+self._yes_prefix+prefix+'.', self.option_strings[0]) if self._no_prefix is not None: self.option_strings[-1] = re.sub('^--'+self._no_prefix, '--'+self._no_prefix+prefix+'.', self.option_strings[-1]) def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None): return ActionYesNo._boolean_type(value) @staticmethod def _boolean_type(x): if isinstance(x, str) and x.lower() in {'true', 'yes', 'false', 'no'}: x = True if x.lower() in {'true', 'yes'} else False elif not isinstance(x, bool): raise TypeError('Value not boolean: '+str(x)+'.') return x
[docs] def completer(self, **kwargs): """Used by argcomplete to support tab completion of arguments.""" return ['true', 'false', 'yes', 'no']
[docs]class ActionParser: """Action to parse option with a given parser optionally loading from file if string value."""
[docs] def __init__( self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = None, ): """Initializer for ActionParser instance. Args: parser: A parser to parse the option with. Raises: ValueError: If the parser parameter is invalid. """ self._parser = parser if not isinstance(self._parser, import_object('jsonargparse.ArgumentParser')): raise ValueError('Expected parser keyword argument to be an ArgumentParser.')
@staticmethod def _move_parser_actions(parser, args, kwargs): subparser = kwargs.pop('action')._parser title = kwargs.pop('title', kwargs.pop('help', None)) description = kwargs.pop('description', subparser.description) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise ValueError('ActionParser does not accept the following parameters: '+str(set(kwargs.keys()))) if not (len(args) == 1 and args[0][:2] == '--'): raise ValueError('ActionParser only accepts a single optional key but got '+str(args)) prefix = args[0][2:] def add_prefix(key): return re.sub('^--', '--'+prefix+'.', key) required_args = set(prefix+'.'+x for x in subparser.required_args) option_string_actions = {} for key, action in filter_default_actions(subparser._option_string_actions).items(): option_string_actions[add_prefix(key)] = action isect = set(option_string_actions.keys()).intersection(set(parser._option_string_actions.keys())) if len(isect) > 0: raise ValueError('ActionParser conflicting keys: '+str(isect)) actions = [] dest = prefix.replace('-', '_') for action in filter_default_actions(subparser._actions): if isinstance(action, ActionYesNo): action._add_dest_prefix(prefix) else: action.dest = dest+'.'+action.dest action.option_strings = [add_prefix(key) for key in action.option_strings] actions.append(action) base_action_group = subparser._action_groups[1] base_action_group.title = title if description is not None: base_action_group.description = description base_action_group.parser = parser base_action_group._actions = filter_default_actions(base_action_group._actions) base_action_group._group_actions = filter_default_actions(base_action_group._group_actions) extra_action_groups = subparser._action_groups[2:] parser.add_argument(args[0], action=_ActionConfigLoad) parser.required_args.update(required_args) parser._option_string_actions.update(option_string_actions) parser._actions.extend(actions) parser._action_groups.extend([base_action_group]+extra_action_groups) subparser._option_string_actions = {} subparser._actions = [] subparser._action_groups = [] return base_action_group
class _ActionSubCommands(_SubParsersAction): """Extension of argparse._SubParsersAction to modify sub-commands functionality.""" _env_prefix = None def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs): """Raises a NotImplementedError.""" raise NotImplementedError('In jsonargparse sub-commands are added using the add_subcommand method.') def add_subcommand(self, name, parser, **kwargs): """Adds a parser as a sub-command parser. In contrast to `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers <>`_ add_parser requires to be given a parser as argument. """ if parser._subparsers is not None: raise ValueError('Multiple levels of subcommands must be added in level order.') parser.prog = '%s [options] %s' % (self._prog_prefix, name) parser.env_prefix = self._env_prefix+'_'+name+'_' parser.parent_parser = self.parent_parser parser.subcommand = name # create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help aliases = kwargs.pop('aliases', ()) if 'help' in kwargs: help_arg = kwargs.pop('help') choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, aliases, help_arg) self._choices_actions.append(choice_action) # add the parser to the name-parser map self._name_parser_map[name] = parser for alias in aliases: self._name_parser_map[alias] = parser return parser def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): """Adds sub-command dest and parses sub-command arguments.""" subcommand = values[0] arg_strings = values[1:] # set the parser name setattr(namespace, self.dest, subcommand) # parse arguments if subcommand in self._name_parser_map: subparser = self._name_parser_map[subcommand] subnamespace, unk = subparser.parse_known_args(arg_strings) if unk: raise ParserError('Unrecognized arguments: %s' % ' '.join(unk)) for key, value in vars(subnamespace).items(): setattr(namespace, subcommand+'.'+key, value) @staticmethod def get_subcommand(parser, cfg_dict:dict, prefix:str='', fail_no_subcommand:bool=True): """Returns the sub-command name and corresponding subparser.""" if parser._subparsers is None: return None, None # Get subcommands action for action in parser._actions: if isinstance(action, _ActionSubCommands): break # Get sub-command parser subcommand_keys = [] for key in action.choices.keys(): if any([k.startswith(prefix+key+'.') for k in cfg_dict.keys()]): subcommand_keys.append(key) subcommand = None dest = prefix + action.dest if dest in cfg_dict and cfg_dict[dest] is not None: subcommand = cfg_dict[dest] for key in [k for k in subcommand_keys if k != subcommand]: for subkey in [k for k in cfg_dict.keys() if k.startswith(prefix+key+'.')]: del cfg_dict[subkey] else: if len(subcommand_keys) > 1: raise KeyError('Key "'+dest+'" is required if multiple sub-command values are provided: '+str(subcommand_keys)+'.') elif len(subcommand_keys) == 1: cfg_dict[dest] = subcommand = subcommand_keys[0] if subcommand is None and not (fail_no_subcommand and action._required): return None, None if action._required and subcommand not in action._name_parser_map: raise KeyError('Sub-command "'+dest+'" is required but not given or its value is None.') subparser = action._name_parser_map.get(subcommand) return subcommand, subparser @staticmethod def handle_subcommands(parser, cfg, env, defaults, prefix='', fail_no_subcommand=True): """Adds sub-command dest if missing and parses defaults and environment variables.""" cfg_dict = cfg.__dict__ if isinstance(cfg, Namespace) else cfg subcommand, subparser = _ActionSubCommands.get_subcommand(parser, cfg_dict, prefix=prefix, fail_no_subcommand=fail_no_subcommand) if subcommand is None: return cfg_keys = set(vars(_dict_to_flat_namespace(cfg)).keys()) cfg_keys = cfg_keys.union(set(cfg_dict.keys())) # merge environment variable values and default values subnamespace = None if env: subnamespace = subparser.parse_env(defaults=defaults, nested=False, _skip_check=True) elif defaults: subnamespace = subparser.get_defaults(nested=False, skip_check=True) if subnamespace is not None: for key, value in vars(subnamespace).items(): key = prefix + subcommand+'.'+key if key not in cfg_keys: cfg_dict[key] = value if subparser._subparsers is not None: prefix = prefix + subcommand + '.' _ActionSubCommands.handle_subcommands(subparser, cfg, env, defaults, prefix)
[docs]class ActionPathList(Action, FilesCompleterMethod): """Action to check and store a list of file paths read from a plain text file or stream."""
[docs] def __init__( self, mode: str = None, rel: str = 'cwd', **kwargs ): """Initializer for ActionPathList instance. Args: mode: The required type and access permissions among [fdrwxcuFDRWX] as a keyword argument (uppercase means not), e.g. ActionPathList(mode='fr'). rel: Whether relative paths are with respect to current working directory 'cwd' or the list's parent directory 'list'. Raises: ValueError: If any of the parameters (mode or rel) are invalid. """ if mode is not None: self._type = path_type(mode) self._rel = rel if self._rel not in {'cwd', 'list'}: raise ValueError('rel must be either "cwd" or "list", got '+str(self._rel)+'.') elif '_type' not in kwargs: raise ValueError('Expected mode keyword argument.') else: self._type = kwargs.pop('_type') self._rel = kwargs.pop('_rel') super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Parses an argument as a PathList and if valid sets the parsed value to the corresponding key. Raises: TypeError: If the argument is not a valid PathList. """ if len(args) == 0: if 'nargs' in kwargs and kwargs['nargs'] not in {'+', 1}: raise ValueError('ActionPathList only supports nargs of 1 or "+".') kwargs['_type'] = self._type kwargs['_rel'] = self._rel return ActionPathList(**kwargs) setattr(args[1], self.dest, self._check_type(args[2]))
def _check_type(self, value, cfg=None): if value == []: return value islist = _is_action_value_list(self) if not islist and not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] if isinstance(value, list) and all(not isinstance(v, self._type) for v in value): path_list_files = value value = [] for path_list_file in path_list_files: try: with sys.stdin if path_list_file == '-' else open(path_list_file, 'r') as f: path_list = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] except FileNotFoundError as ex: raise TypeError('Problems reading path list: '+path_list_file+' :: '+str(ex)) from ex cwd = os.getcwd() if self._rel == 'list' and path_list_file != '-': os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path_list_file, os.pardir))) try: for num, val in enumerate(path_list): try: path_list[num] = self._type(val) except TypeError as ex: raise TypeError('Path number '+str(num+1)+' in list '+path_list_file+', '+str(ex)) from ex finally: os.chdir(cwd) value += path_list return value