Source code for jsonargparse.signatures

"""Metods to add arguments based on class/method/function signatures."""

import inspect
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Container, Type, Callable

from .util import _issubclass
from .actions import ActionEnum
from .jsonschema import ActionJsonSchema
from .optionals import docstring_parser_support, import_docstring_parse, dataclasses_support, import_dataclasses

__all__ = ['SignatureArguments']

[docs]class SignatureArguments: """Methods to add arguments based on signatures to an ArgumentParser instance."""
[docs] def add_class_arguments( self, theclass: Type, nested_key: Optional[str] = None, as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, skip: Optional[Container[str]] = None, ) -> int: """Adds arguments from a class based on its type hints and docstrings. Note: Keyword arguments without at least one valid type are ignored. Args: theclass: Class from which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters that should be skipped. Returns: Number of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a class. ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ if not inspect.isclass(theclass): raise ValueError('Expected a class object.') def docs_func(base): return [base.__init__.__doc__, base.__doc__] def sign_func(base): return base.__init__ return self._add_signature_arguments(inspect.getmro(theclass), nested_key, as_group, as_positional, skip, docs_func, sign_func, skip_first=True)
[docs] def add_method_arguments( self, theclass: Type, themethod: str, nested_key: Optional[str] = None, as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, skip: Optional[Container[str]] = None, ) -> int: """Adds arguments from a class based on its type hints and docstrings. Note: Keyword arguments without at least one valid type are ignored. Args: theclass: Class which includes the method. themethod: Name of the method for which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters that should be skipped. Returns: Number of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a class or the name of a method of the class. ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ if not inspect.isclass(theclass): raise ValueError('Expected a class object.') if not hasattr(theclass, themethod) or not callable(getattr(theclass, themethod)): raise ValueError('Expected the method to a callable member of the class.') skip_first = False if isinstance(theclass.__dict__[themethod], staticmethod) else True themethod = getattr(theclass, themethod) return self._add_signature_arguments([themethod], nested_key, as_group, as_positional, skip, skip_first=skip_first)
[docs] def add_function_arguments( self, function: Callable, nested_key: Optional[str] = None, as_group: bool = True, as_positional: bool = False, skip: Optional[Container[str]] = None, ) -> int: """Adds arguments from a function based on its type hints and docstrings. Note: Keyword arguments without at least one valid type are ignored. Args: function: Function from which to add arguments. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters that should be skipped. Returns: Number of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When not given a callable. ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ if not callable(function): raise ValueError('Expected a callable object.') return self._add_signature_arguments([function], nested_key, as_group, as_positional, skip)
def _add_signature_arguments( self, objects, nested_key: Optional[str], as_group: bool, as_positional: bool, skip: Optional[Container[str]], docs_func: Callable = lambda x: [x.__doc__], sign_func: Callable = lambda x: x, skip_first: bool = False, ) -> int: """Adds arguments from parameters of objects based on signatures and docstrings. Args: objects: Objects from which to add signatures. nested_key: Key for nested namespace. as_group: Whether arguments should be added to a new argument group. as_positional: Whether to add required parameters as positional arguments. skip: Names of parameters that should be skipped. docs_func: Function that returns docstrings for a given object. sign_func: Function that returns signature method for a given object. skip_first: Whether to skip first argument, i.e., skip self of class methods. Returns: Number of arguments added. Raises: ValueError: When there are required parameters without at least one valid type. """ kinds = inspect._ParameterKind def update_has_args_kwargs(base, has_args=True, has_kwargs=True): params = list(inspect.signature(sign_func(base)).parameters.values()) has_args &= any(p._kind == kinds.VAR_POSITIONAL for p in params) has_kwargs &= any(p._kind == kinds.VAR_KEYWORD for p in params) return has_args, has_kwargs ## Determine propagation of arguments ## add_types = [(True, True)] has_args, has_kwargs = update_has_args_kwargs(objects[0]) for num in range(1, len(objects)): if not (has_args or has_kwargs): objects = objects[:num] break add_types.append((has_args, has_kwargs)) has_args, has_kwargs = update_has_args_kwargs(objects[num], has_args, has_kwargs) ## Gather docstrings ## doc_group = None doc_params = {} if docstring_parser_support: docstring_parse = import_docstring_parse('_add_signature_arguments') for base in objects: for doc in docs_func(base): try: docstring = docstring_parse(doc) except ValueError: self.logger.debug('Failed parsing docstring for '+str(base)) # type: ignore else: if docstring.short_description and not doc_group: doc_group = docstring.short_description for param in docstring.params: if param.arg_name not in doc_params: doc_params[param.arg_name] = param.description ## Create group if requested ## group = self if as_group: if doc_group is None: doc_group = str(objects[0]) name = objects[0].__name__ if nested_key is None else nested_key group = self.add_argument_group(doc_group, name=name) # type: ignore ## Add objects arguments ## added_args = set() if skip is None: skip = set() if dataclasses_support: dataclasses = import_dataclasses('_add_signature_arguments') for obj, (add_args, add_kwargs) in zip(objects, add_types): for num, param in enumerate(inspect.signature(sign_func(obj)).parameters.values()): name = annotation = param.annotation default = param.default is_required = default == inspect._empty # type: ignore skip_message = 'Skipping parameter "'+name+'" from "'+obj.__name__+'" because of: ' if param._kind in {kinds.VAR_POSITIONAL, kinds.VAR_KEYWORD} or \ (is_required and skip_first and num == 0) or \ (annotation == inspect._empty and not is_required and default is None): # type: ignore continue elif is_required and not add_args: self.logger.debug(skip_message+'Positional parameter but *args not propagated.') # type: ignore continue elif not is_required and not add_kwargs: self.logger.debug(skip_message+'Keyword parameter but **kwargs not propagated.') # type: ignore continue elif name in skip: self.logger.debug(skip_message+'Parameter requested to be skipped.') # type: ignore continue if dataclasses_support and default.__class__ == dataclasses._HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS: default = obj.__dataclass_fields__[name].default_factory() if annotation == inspect._empty and not is_required: # type: ignore annotation = type(default) kwargs = {'help': doc_params.get(name)} if not is_required: kwargs['default'] = default elif not as_positional: kwargs['required'] = True if annotation in {str, int, float, bool} or \ _issubclass(annotation, (str, int, float)): kwargs['type'] = annotation elif _issubclass(annotation, Enum): kwargs['action'] = ActionEnum(enum=annotation) else: try: kwargs['action'] = ActionJsonSchema(annotation=annotation, enable_path=False) except ValueError as ex: self.logger.debug(skip_message+str(ex)) # type: ignore if 'type' in kwargs or 'action' in kwargs: dest = (nested_key+'.' if nested_key else '') + name if dest in added_args: self.logger.debug(skip_message+'Argument already added.') # type: ignore else: opt_str = dest if is_required and as_positional else '--'+dest group.add_argument(opt_str, **kwargs) # type: ignore added_args.add(dest) elif is_required: raise ValueError('Required parameter without a type for '+obj.__name__+' parameter '+name+'.') return len(added_args)