Source code for jsonargparse._common

import argparse
import dataclasses
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import (  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

from ._namespace import Namespace
from ._optionals import (
from ._type_checking import ArgumentParser

__all__ = [

ClassType = TypeVar("ClassType")

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
    from typing import Callable

    InstantiatorCallable = Callable[..., ClassType]
    from typing import Protocol

    class InstantiatorCallable(Protocol):
        def __call__(self, class_type: Type[ClassType], *args, **kwargs) -> ClassType:
            pass  # pragma: no cover

InstantiatorsDictType = Dict[Tuple[type, bool], InstantiatorCallable]

parent_parser: ContextVar["ArgumentParser"] = ContextVar("parent_parser")
parser_capture: ContextVar[bool] = ContextVar("parser_capture", default=False)
defaults_cache: ContextVar[Optional[Namespace]] = ContextVar("defaults_cache", default=None)
lenient_check: ContextVar[Union[bool, str]] = ContextVar("lenient_check", default=False)
load_value_mode: ContextVar[Optional[str]] = ContextVar("load_value_mode", default=None)
class_instantiators: ContextVar[Optional[InstantiatorsDictType]] = ContextVar("class_instantiators")
nested_links: ContextVar[List[dict]] = ContextVar("nested_links", default=[])

parser_context_vars = dict(

def parser_context(**kwargs):
    context_var_tokens = []
    for name, value in kwargs.items():
        context_var = parser_context_vars[name]
        token = context_var.set(value)
        context_var_tokens.append((context_var, token))
        for context_var, token in context_var_tokens:

def is_subclass(cls, class_or_tuple) -> bool:
    """Extension of issubclass that supports non-class arguments."""
        return inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple)
    except TypeError:
        return False

[docs] def is_final_class(cls) -> bool: """Checks whether a class is final, i.e. decorated with ````.""" return getattr(cls, "__final__", False)
def is_generic_class(cls) -> bool: return isinstance(cls, _GenericAlias) and getattr(cls, "__module__", "") != "typing" def get_generic_origin(cls): return cls.__origin__ if is_generic_class(cls) else cls def get_unaliased_type(cls): new_cls = cls while True: cur_cls = new_cls if is_annotated(new_cls): new_cls = get_annotated_base_type(new_cls) if is_alias_type(new_cls): new_cls = get_alias_target(new_cls) if new_cls == cur_cls: break return cur_cls def is_dataclass_like(cls) -> bool: if is_generic_class(cls): return is_dataclass_like(cls.__origin__) if not inspect.isclass(cls): return False if is_final_class(cls): return True classes = [c for c in inspect.getmro(cls) if c not in {object, Generic}] all_dataclasses = all(dataclasses.is_dataclass(c) for c in classes) if not all_dataclasses: from ._optionals import attrs_support, is_pydantic_model if is_pydantic_model(cls): return True if attrs_support: import attrs if attrs.has(cls): return True return all_dataclasses def default_class_instantiator(class_type: Type[ClassType], *args, **kwargs) -> ClassType: return class_type(*args, **kwargs) class ClassInstantiator: def __init__(self, instantiators: InstantiatorsDictType) -> None: self.instantiators = instantiators def __call__(self, class_type: Type[ClassType], *args, **kwargs) -> ClassType: for (cls, subclasses), instantiator in self.instantiators.items(): if class_type is cls or (subclasses and is_subclass(class_type, cls)): return instantiator(class_type, *args, **kwargs) return default_class_instantiator(class_type, *args, **kwargs) def get_class_instantiator() -> InstantiatorCallable: instantiators = class_instantiators.get() if not instantiators: return default_class_instantiator return ClassInstantiator(instantiators) # logging logging_levels = {"CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"} null_logger = logging.getLogger("jsonargparse_null_logger") null_logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) null_logger.parent = None def setup_default_logger(data, level, caller): name = caller if isinstance(data, str): name = data elif isinstance(data, dict) and "name" in data: name = data["name"] logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.parent = None if len(logger.handlers) == 0: handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")) logger.addHandler(handler) level = getattr(logging, level) for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setLevel(level) return logger def parse_logger(logger: Union[bool, str, dict, logging.Logger], caller): if not isinstance(logger, (bool, str, dict, logging.Logger)): raise ValueError(f"Expected logger to be an instance of (bool, str, dict, logging.Logger), but got {logger}.") if isinstance(logger, dict) and len(set(logger.keys()) - {"name", "level"}) > 0: value = {k: v for k, v in logger.items() if k not in {"name", "level"}} raise ValueError(f"Unexpected data to configure logger: {value}.") if logger is False: return null_logger level = "WARNING" if isinstance(logger, dict) and "level" in logger: level = logger["level"] if level not in logging_levels: raise ValueError(f"Got logger level {level!r} but must be one of {logging_levels}.") if (logger is True or (isinstance(logger, dict) and "name" not in logger)) and reconplogger_support: kwargs = {"level": "DEBUG", "reload": True} if debug_mode_active() else {} logger = import_reconplogger("parse_logger").logger_setup(**kwargs) if not isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): logger = setup_default_logger(logger, level, caller) return logger
[docs] class LoggerProperty: """Class designed to be inherited by other classes to add a logger property."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, logger: Union[bool, str, dict, logging.Logger] = False, **kwargs): """Initializer for LoggerProperty class.""" self.logger = logger # type: ignore[assignment] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """The logger property for the class. :getter: Returns the current logger. :setter: Sets the given logging.Logger as logger or sets the default logger if given True/str(logger name)/dict(name, level), or disables logging if given False. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid logger value is given. """ return self._logger @logger.setter def logger(self, logger: Union[bool, str, dict, logging.Logger]): if logger is None: from ._deprecated import deprecation_warning, logger_property_none_message deprecation_warning((LoggerProperty.logger, None), logger_property_none_message, stacklevel=2) logger = False if not logger and debug_mode_active(): logger = {"level": "DEBUG"} self._logger = parse_logger(logger, type(self).__name__)
def debug_mode_active() -> bool: return os.getenv("JSONARGPARSE_DEBUG", "").lower() not in {"", "false", "no", "0"} if debug_mode_active(): os.environ["LOGGER_LEVEL"] = "DEBUG" # pragma: no cover # base classes class Action(LoggerProperty, argparse.Action): """Base for jsonargparse Action classes.""" def _check_type_(self, value, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "_check_type_kwargs"): self._check_type_kwargs = set(inspect.signature(self._check_type).parameters.keys()) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in self._check_type_kwargs} return self._check_type(value, **kwargs)